Results: 26

Does psychotherapy improve alexithymia? A comparison study among patients with mild or moderate depression

Abstract Background Alexithymia is reported to be a risk factor for depression. Psychotherapy is efficient for treatment of depression. Yet, the effect of psychotherapies on alexithymia is poorly understood. Objectives We aimed to compare Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Existential Psychotherapy (E...

Counseling practices in Sexually Transmitted Infections/AIDS: the female health professionals' perspective

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the health professionals' perception about counseling in a Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento em Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (Center for Testing and Counseling in Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and AIDS) in Maceió, Alagoas. Method: it is a qualitati...

Effectiveness of psycho-educational counseling on anxiety in preeclampsia

Abstract Introduction Preeclampsia is a serious complication during pregnancy that not only influences maternal and fetal physical health, but also has maternal mental health outcomes such as anxiety. Prenatal anxiety has negative short- and long-term effects on pre- and postpartum maternal mental heal...

Quality of Intra-Hospital Nutritional Counseling in Patients with STEMI in the Public and Private Health Networks of Sergipe: The VICTIM Register

Arq. bras. cardiol; 113 (2), 2019
Abstract Background: Having appropriate dietary habits is part of the recommendations after ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI), however, the quality of intra-hospital nutritional counselling in the different health services has been minimally explored. Objective: To evaluate the quality of intr...

Effectiveness of solution-focused group counseling on the mental health of midwifery students

Abstract Objective The present study was conducted with the objective of investigating the effectiveness of solution-focused group counseling (SFGC) on promoting the mental health of midwifery students. Methods The present study is an intervention-based study with a pretest, a post-test, and a contro...

Being a nurse, being a counselor: awakening to social control and public health

ABSTRACT Objective: Understand the time of awakening to social control and its contributions from the perspective of health counselor nurses. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight nurses who work/worked as health counselors. The information was analyzed using the thematic analysi...

Rebirth of childbirth: reflections on medicalization of the Brazilian obstetric care

ABSTRACT Objective: to reflect on the medicalization process of childbirth and birth and its consequences based on a Brazilian audiovisual media artifact. Method: reflective and interpretive analysis of the documentary O Renascimento do Parto (The Rebirth of Childbirth) based on Critical Discourse Anal...

Fatores associados às infecções sexualmente transmissíveis: inquérito populacional no município de São Paulo, Brasil

Resumo Descrevemos a frequência de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST), os fatores associados e as orientações recebidas dos profissionais de saúde entre homens e mulheres no município de São Paulo. Estudo de corte transversal, com inquérito populacional, com indivíduos de 15 a 64 anos ...

El asesoramiento individual y la terapia conductual grupal pueden ayudar a los fumadores a dejar de fumar

La consejería de enfermería disminuye la sintomatología y recaídas en pacientes pediátricos con rinitis alérgica

Resumen: Introducción: La rinitis alérgica (RA) es considerada como un problema de salud pública, por lo tanto, es indispensable poner a prueba estrategias de educación para la salud como la consejería de enfermería (CE) dirigida a grupos poblacionales como niños con rinitis alérgica y sus tuto...