Results: 75

Knowledge of and adherence to standard precautions in a hemodialysis unit: a cross-sectional study

Säo Paulo med. j; 140 (2), 2022
Abstract BACKGROUND: Standard precautions (SPs) are recommended safety measures for healthcare professionals to follow, with a view to preventing healthcare-related infections (HCRIs) and for their own protection. Inadequate adherence to these measures can lead to occurrences of occupational accidents a...

Patient participation in compliance with hand hygiene by health professionals: an integrative review

Background and objectives: Healthcare-associated Infections are a global health concern. Although the best strategy for its prevention is hand hygiene (HH), there is still low compliance by health professionals in the execution of the correct technique. In order to improve compliance with HH, the World H...

Biosecurity Perspectives in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology in Times of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): a Literature Review

The aim of this work was to report biosecurity measures in the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (OMR) clinic in the current context of COVID-19, based on a literature review. An electronic search for scientific papers was perform ed using PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus database. Although the ...

A importância da higienização das mãos dos acompanhantes de pacientes

Objetivo: Revisar a literatura científica especializada no que se refere à higienização das mãos (HM) dos acompanhantes de pacientes que recebem algum tipo de serviço de saúde. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa da literatura, realizada através de busca ativa nas bases de dados SciEL...

CO² filtration during pneumoperitoneum inflation and deflation in patients undergoing laparoscopy during the COVID-19 pandemic

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 48 (), 2021
ABSTRACT The current Covid-19 pandemic has been the most discussed topic of the year, mostly about protection and ways to avoid dissemination of the virus. In the healthcare system, especially in the operating rooms, the viability of laparoscopic surgery was questioned, mostly because of the transmission...

Environmental cleaning to prevent COVID-19 infection. A rapid systematic review

Säo Paulo med. j; 138 (6), 2020
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Faced with a pandemic, all healthcare actions need to reflect best practices, in order to avoid high transmissibility, complications and even hospitalizations. For hospital environments, the products recommended and authorized by regulatory institutions for environmental cleaning an...

Medidas para Prevenir el COVID-19 en el Consultorio Dental

RESUMEN: El 11 de marzo del 2020, la OMS reconoció al COVID-19 como pandemia mundial. El coronavirus (COVID-19) ha desafiado a los sistemas de salud y demanda una rápida reacción de respuesta, ante el aumento de infectados. El ámbito del trabajo odontológico, está sujeto a un riesgo significativo d...

Recomendaciones en la Atención de Pacientes en Cirugía Maxilofacial Durante la Pandemia de COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)

RESUMEN: La nueva enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) es la última patología de preocupación internacional. Originada en Wuhan, China, se extendió rápidamente a nivel mundial, razón por la cual fue declarada una emergencia de salud pública. Sus síntomas principales son fiebre, tos, dolor d...

Infection Control in the Dental Practice with Emphasis on Intraoral Scanners and Semi-Critical Complex Instruments

ABSTRACT: We present an integrative review of the literature conducted to find and analyse specific measures for disinfection and/or sterilization of intraoral complex instruments, applicable to intraoral scanners. We performed a two-stage search in the PubMed/MEDLINE, SciELO, REDALYCS, and LILACS databa...

Manejo del síndrome coronario agudo durante pandemia por COVID – 19

Rev. méd. Maule; 35 (1), 2020
INTRODUCTION: Acute Myocardial Infarction is a medical emergency, being his early and adequate treatment highly effective mainly in relation to reperfusion therapy. Unfortunately, COVID – 19 pandemic, has brought changes in its management due to availability of conditioned hemodynamic rooms, infection ...