RESUMO A escoliose é definida como uma deformidade com desvio lateral da coluna no plano coronal, torsão da coluna e do tronco e distúrbio no perfil sagital. Essa alteração postural é avaliada por meio de radiografia de incidência anteroposterior, utilizando-se o método de Cobb. O objetivo do est...
El síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos es un conjunto de trastornos hereditarios del tejido conectivo, clínica y genéticamente heterogéneos, caracterizados por hiperextensibilidad cutánea, pobre cicatrización, hipermovilidad articular y friabilidad tisular. Desde 1997, se han reportado variantes poco frecuen...
Abstract Introduction: The exercise benefits for the most prevalent postural changes require proper investigation, with large samples, control group, and concealed allocation. Objective: To assess the effects of a muscular stretching and strengthening school-based exercise program on posture, trunk mob...
Introducción: El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar las complicaciones de la cirugía en pacientes con escoliosis neuromusculares operados en nuestro Centro, así como la funcionalidad y la calidad de vida luego del tratamiento quirúrgico. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo,...
ABSTRACT In Part I, the author defines an organizational law of the body schema: the "pendulum law", describing an ideal biomechanical structure of the spine. Thus, he shows how the common variations and anomalies, whether isolated or associated, modify the standard biomechanical scheme. The variations o...
ABSTRACT The author uses the classical parameters that allow studying the sagittal form of the spine, following a vertebral semantics (lordosis, kyphosis, spinopelvic parameters, and sagittal balance). Then he proposes a very different perspective that analyzes the shape of the column, not in the sagitta...
Abstract Introduction: Since falls are considered to be a public health problem, it is important to identify whether postural changes over time contribute to the risk of falls in older adults. Objective: To investigate whether postural changes increase fall risk and/or postural imbalance in healthy, co...
Abstract Introduction: The Vert-3D is a radiation-free system which offers a three-dimensional view of the back's surface, providing a quantitative assessment of spinal curvatures. Objective: To verify the repeatability, inter-rater reproducibility, and correlation between Cobb angles and the results...
Estudo de revisão bibliográfica narrativa, com o objetivo de verificar a prevalência das alterações posturais em idosos, o controle do equilíbrio e a influência dos exercícios físicos. A investigação realizou-se nas bases de dados SciELO, LILACS, MEDLINE e Google Acadêmico. Foram selecionados...
ABSTRACT Objective: To present normality parameters for the cervical spine in a sample of the Brazilian population and its distribution by sex and age. Methods: This was a prospective study considering 94 asymptomatic individuals evaluated by panoramic radiograph of the spine for the analysis of the ...