Introdução: A dor repetida e não tratada no período neonatal pode ocasionar efeitos deletérios no crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Assim, o uso de estratégias de avaliação e controle da dor são fundamentais. Especificamente com relação a avaliação da dor, o treinamento online pode ser...
Abstract The aim of the present study was to compare the sensitivity and specificity of pain scales used to assess dentin hypersensitivity (DH). The preferred scale, and toothbrushing habits of participants were also investigated. This cross-sectional study was conducted with students and employees of a ...
Bebidas/efectos adversos,
Estudios Transversales,
Sensibilidad de la Dentina/diagnóstico,
Expresión Facial,
Dimensión del Dolor/métodos,
Reproducibilidad de los Resultados,
Sensibilidad y Especificidad,
Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad,
Estadísticas no Paramétricas,
Encuestas y Cuestionarios,
Cepillado Dental/efectos adversos
Abstract Periodontal therapy usually requires local anesthesia. If effective, a non-invasive, liposomal anesthetic gel could increase the levels of acceptance of patients in relation to periodontal therapy. Objective: This study investigated the efficacy of liposomal anesthetic gel for pain control duri...
Anestesia Dental/métodos,
Anestésicos Locales/administración & dosificación,
Periodontitis Crónica/complicaciones,
Periodontitis Crónica/terapia,
Raspado Dental/efectos adversos,
Método Doble Ciego,
Geles/administración & dosificación,
Lidocaína/administración & dosificación,
Combinación Lidocaína y Prilocaína,
Dolor/prevención & control,
Dimensión del Dolor/métodos,
Bolsa Periodontal,
Prilocaína/administración & dosificación,
Aplanamiento de la Raíz/efectos adversos
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the perception of physiotherapists in neonatal units regarding pain, the use of measurement scales and strategies that minimize pain. Methods: Interviews were conducted with physiotherapists in hospitals with neonatal units between 2013 and 2015 in Rio de Janeiro. The ...
Expresión Facial,
Hospitales Privados/estadística & datos numéricos,
Hospitales Públicos/estadística & datos numéricos,
Recien Nacido Prematuro/psicología,
Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal/organización & administración,
Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal/estadística & datos numéricos,
Entrevistas como Asunto/métodos,
Dimensión del Dolor/métodos,
ABSTRACT Objectives: to verify the effects of hierarchization and in vivo exposure for fear of pain, avoidance of movement, and anxiety in chronic low back pain. Methods: quasi-experimental study. The 27 patients who participated graded the damage associated with the movements in each of the 40 activit...
INTRODUCTION: Increasing evidence suggests that changes in the balance of excitatory/inhibitory neurotransmission are involved in the development of the majority of chronic pain forms. In this context, impairment in glycine mediated inhibitory neurotransmission is thought to play a critical role in the d...
Abstract Background and objectives: To investigate, describe, and assess the phenomenon of "rebound pain" as a clinically relevant problem in anesthetic practice. Content: The phenomenon of "rebound pain" has been demonstrated and described as a very severe pain, which occurs after a peripheral nerve b...
ABSTRACT Objective: To propose and analyze the test-retest reliability of an instrument to verify the presence and intensity of pain in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine in Brazilian young people. Methods: This reliability study enrolled a sample of 458 participants (13 to 20 years). Two groups...
RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever a adequação de duas escalas comportamentais, a Behavioral Pain Scale e a Critical Care Pain Observation Tool, para a avaliação da dor em pacientes intubados orotraquealmente, internados em unidades de terapia intensiva. Método: Utilizando a metodologia recomendada pelo C...
Introduction and aim: Functional abdominal pain (FAP) is one of the major gastrointestinal complaints in childhood. Studies have reported occult constipation (OC) as one of the leading causes of abdominal pain. Recent researches have proposed laxatives as potent therapeutic targets for abdominal pain in ...
Dolor Abdominal/tratamiento farmacológico,
Estreñimiento/tratamiento farmacológico,
Impactación Fecal/tratamiento farmacológico,
Lactulosa/uso terapéutico,
Laxativos/uso terapéutico,
Polietilenglicoles/uso terapéutico,
Dolor Abdominal/etiología,
Factores de Edad,
Peso Corporal,
Impactación Fecal/complicaciones,
Impactación Fecal/diagnóstico por imagen,
Dimensión del Dolor/Métodos,
Factores Sexuales,
Factores de Tiempo