LILACS – Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ciencias de la Salud | LILACS

Results: 45

Megacolon andino y vólvulo del sigmoides de la altura: Presentación de 418 casos entre 2008 - 2012 en el hospital C. Monge - Puno, Perú

Objetivo: El presente estudio describe el manejo médico y quirúrgico del vólvulo de sigmoides debido a dolicomegacolon andino en un hospital a una altitud mayor a 3000 msnm. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, observacional, transversal de 418 pacientes con diagnóstico de vólvulo de sigmoides;...

Tetania severa por uso de enemas fosfatados, reporte de caso

Rev. chil. pediatr; 88 (3), 2017
Los enemas fosfatados son utilizados frecuentemente en el tratamiento de la constipación. Errores en la posología pueden producir complicaciones graves. Objetivo: Reportar un caso de toxicidad grave por enema fosfatado en un pre escolar sin factores de riesgo. Caso clínico: Paciente de 2 años con con...

Evaluation of enemas containing sucralfate in tissue content of muc-2 protein in experimental model of diversion colitis

ABSTRACT Background: The effects of topical application of sucralfate (SCF) on the tissue content of MUC-2 protein have not yet been evaluated in experimental models of diversion colitis. Aim: To measure the tissue content of MUC-2 protein in the colonic mucosa diverted from fecal stream submitted to t...

Evaluación de la calidad de la técnica de enfermería "vacuidad del intestino" en Cirugía Pediátrica
Quality assessment for the nursing technique gut irrigation in children surgery

Rev. cuba. enferm; 33 (2), 2017
Introducción: el personal de enfermería debe estar bien entrenado en la preparación del paciente que va a ser intervenido por cirugía en afecciones gastrointestinales o con fines investigativos, para lograr una excelente vacuidad del intestino. Objetivo: evaluar la calidad de la técnica de enfermerÃ...

Tissue sulfomucin and sialomucin content in colon mucosa without intestinal transit subjected to intervention with Curcuma longa (curcumin)

Acta cir. bras; 32 (3), 2017
Abstract Purpose: To measure the tissue sulfomucin and sialomucin content of the colon mucosa without fecal flow, subjected to intervention with curcumin, and the influence of the concentration used and the intervention time. Methods: Thirty-six rats were subjected to proximal right colostomy and dis...

Claudin-3 and occludin content in the glands of colonic mucosa devoid from fecal stream submitted to topical intervention with oil extract of Curcuma longa

Acta cir. bras; 32 (1), 2017
Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the inflammatory intensity and measure the tissue content of the proteins claudin-3 and occludin in the colonic mucosa without fecal stream submit to intervention with curcumin. Methods: Thirty-six rats were submitted to a proximal colostomy and a distal mucous fistula and...

Capítulo 4: Prevención y detección temprana del cáncer colorrectal en población de riesgo promedio. Métodos de tamizaje
Chapter 4: Prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer in the population at average risk. Screening methods

Mesalazina enema e supositório para tratamento da Doença de Crohn

A DOENÇA: A doença de Crohn (DC) é uma doença inflamatória intestinal de origem não conhecida e caracterizada pelo acometimento focal, assimétrico e transmural de qualquer porção do tubo digestivo, da boca ao ânus. Apresenta-se sob três formas principais: inflamatória, fistulosa e fibroesteno...

Role of preoperative retrograde enema on inflammatory and healing parameters in colonic anastomosis: experimental study in dogs

Objective: The purpose of this experimental study was to compare the inflammatory and wound healing response of dogs submitted to colonic anastomosis with and without preoperative retrograde enema. Methods: The study included two groups of 31 female dogs (Canis familiaris). G-I (control): no preoperative...

Evaluation of sucralfate enema in experimental diversion colitis

Diversion colitis (DC) is an inflammatory disease that develops in segments with fecal diversion. Sucralfate (SCF) complex, which consists of sucrose octasulfate and polyaluminum hydroxide, has been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of different forms of colitis. However, until now, the effec...