Results: 51

Correlation between climate data and land altitude for Fasciola hepatica infection in cattle in Santa Catarina, Brazil

Abstract Fascioliasis is a food-borne parasitic disease that affects a range of animals, including humans caused by Fasciola hepatica. The present study aimed to determine the spatial distribution of bovine fasciolosis and to assess the correlation between the high Positivity Index (PI) and climate data ...

Copro-prevalence of Fasciola hepatica in Chilean breed horses in the province of Concepción, Chile

Abstract The aim of this research was to assess the copro-prevalence of Fasciola hepatica in owned Chilean breed horses (Equus caballus) residing in the province of Concepción, Chile. The study was carried out throughout October 2017. Samples were taken from all (100%) Chilean breed horse (124 specimens...

FasciDIG. Diagnóstico oportuno y eficaz de fasciolosis humana

Rev. cuba. med. trop; 71 (2), 2019
El diagnóstico de fasciolosis humana, enfermedad zoonótica causada por el parásito Fasciola hepatica reúne los resultados de las técnicas: concentración por sedimentación (copa-cónica), FasciDIG en heces y FasciDIG en suero, además de los criterios clínico-epidemiológicos. FasciDIG constituye ...

Histopathological findings of Fasciola hepatica infection in non-native European hare (Lepus europaeus) in Southern Chile

Abstract Fasciola hepatica is a parasite introduced in America from Europe, being considered of concern for public health and animal production, especially in countries with endemic areas as occur in Chile. In this country, the research has been focused mainly in domestic ruminants, with native and intro...

Microscopic alterations in Fasciola hepatica from sheep treated with albendazole

Abstract Currently, albendazole is one of the most commonly used drugs because of its affordability. The objective was to evaluate the histopathology of Fasciola hepatica specimens. For this, the efficacy test was performed on sheep treated with albendazole at the dose recommended for F. hepatica, in wh...

First reported case of clinical fascioliasis in Santa Catarina, Brazil

Abstract Fascioliasis is a food-borne anthropozoonotic disease caused by Fasciola hepatica that affects multiple hosts, including humans. We herein report the first case of human fascioliasis in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. A 57-year-old female patient complaining of abdominal pain was admitted t...

Anticuerpos de cadena única de alpaca para la detección de antígenos de Fasciola hepática

RESUMEN Objetivo. Producir anticuerpos recombinantes de cadena única de alpaca que se unan con alta afinidad y especificidad al antígeno excretado-secretado (ES) de Fasciola hepatica para el desarrollo de tecnologías nuevas de diagnóstico de fascioliasis humana y animal. Materiales y métodos. Se...

Negative serology of Fasciola hepatica infection in patients with liver cancer in Peru: a preliminary report

Abstract INTRODUCTION: The etiology of several hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cases remains largely unknown. Although Fasciola hepatica has been associated with liver fibrosis in Latin America, it has not yet been associated with HCC. This study aimed to determine the existence of specific IgG antibodie...

“Liver fluke”: conceptos actuales sobre fascioliasis

Gastroenterol. latinoam; 29 (supl.1), 2018
Fascioliasis is a parasitic disease produced mainly by the fluke Fasciola hepatica. The human infection is mainly due to the accidental intake of metacercariae present in watercress and/or contaminated water. The human disease is uncommon in Chile, despite the high prevalence of animal infection, which a...

Estandarización de ELISA para el diagnóstico de fasciolosis bovina, ovina y humana

RESUMEN Introducción: La fasciolosis representa un grave problema para el sector pecuario y la salud humana en muchos países. En Colombia, afecta principalmente al ganado bovino y ovino, con escasos reportes en humanos. Objetivo: Estandarizar un Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática para bovinos, ov...