Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate complications after percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy among children who underwent percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in Nemazee hospital. Materials and methods: All children who underwent percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy were included in the curr...
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is a gold standard for long term enteral feeding. Neurologic dysphagia and head/neck cancer are the most common indications for PEG as they can lead to protein-energy malnutrition and serum electrolyte abnormalities, with potential negative...
Introduction: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is a safe and effective endoscopic surgical procedure for enteral access and gastrointestinal decompression, and it is an excellent alternative to surgical gastrostomy. There are various clinical indications and these mainly include the need for pro...
Objetivos: descrever, analisar e avaliar o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes que realizaram gastrostomia endoscópica percutânea no Serviço de Endoscopia do Hospital Regional do Mato Grosso do Sul Rosa Pedrosian, de 01 de janeiro de 2013 a 01 de janeiro de 2015, as indicações e complicações asso...
Background: Until the early 1980s, Stamm technique was considered standard method to gastrostomy. After description of the endoscopic technique, due to its efficiency and speed, quickly became the method of choice for long-term enteral access. Aim: Describe a technique that combines direct view of the...