Results: 81

COVID-19 related acute genital ulcer: a case report

ABSTRACT Acute vulvar ulcer (Lipschütz's ulcer) is a rare lesion with local hyperimmunoreactivity triggered by infection, which is characterized by acute, painful, and necrotic ulcerations. This condition is usually found in non-sexually active adolescents, and it resolves spontaneously. We report a cas...

Human Papillomavirus infection in oral and anogenital sites: prevalence and rates of concordance

Introduction: HPV infection causes cancer at several anatomical sites. However, the infection’s natural history in non-cervical sites is understudied. Objective: To evaluate oral and anogenital HPV infections, correlating HPV prevalence rates and genotypes with site of infection and risk factors. Metho...

Gender Dysphoria in the Pediatric Population: Initial Experience of a Transdisciplinary Group

Introduction Although there is an increasing experience in the management of transgender individuals, this has not been thoroughly explored in children. The need to establish a comprehensive and transdisciplinary management is of critical importance. In order to solve this issue, we want to report the ...

Nevo epidérmico verrucoso inflamatório linear e diagnóstico diferencial com a psoríase linear: a respeito de um caso
Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus and differential diagnosis with linear psoriasis: about a case

Nevo epidérmico verrucoso inflamatório linear e diagnóstico diferencial com a psoríase linear: a respeito de um caso RELATO DE CASOMaria Isabel Muniz Zemero1, Maria Amélia Lopes dos Santos1, Alena Margareth Darwich Mendes1, Carla Andrea Avelar Pires1,O nevo epidérmico verrucoso inflamatório linear...

Effects of water pilates on urinary loss, genital self-image and sexual function of elderly women

Acta sci., Health sci; 43 (), 2021
Descriptive, quasi experimental study with pre and post-test, which aimed to investigate the effects of Water Pilates (PA) on urinary incontinence, genital self-image and sexual function of elderly women. The sample consisted of seventeen elderly women aged 60 years or over, from a city in t...

Flujo vaginal y semen: la microbiota de las relaciones sexuales

Durante las relaciones sexuales, se da el intercambio de especies bacterianas entre las parejas, siendo las relaciones sexuales un factor crucial en la modificación de la microbiota genital. En el presente artículo de reflexión, se analizó el efecto de las relaciones sexuales sobre el intercambio de ...

Anatomy of soft body of Pugilina cochlidium (Linnaeus, 1758) and P. erecta (Vermeij & Raben, 2009) (Neogastropoda: Melongenidae) from Thondi Coast-Palk Bay in Tamil Nadu, India

Braz. j. biol; 81 (2), 2021
The species of Pugilina cochlidium (Linnaeus, 1758) and P. erecta (Vermeij & Raben, 2009) has been studied in the present study. The female can be differentiated from the male by the absence of the cephalic penis and a complicated genital aparatus visible through the mantle skirt in both the sexes. In ot...

Challenges in diagnosis of genital ulcers: a genital leishmaniasis case series

Abstract Leishmaniasis is a tropical infectious disease caused by Leishmania spp. protozoa and is transmitted by insects from the Phlebotominae subfamily. It can manifest as cutaneous leishmaniasis, a painless ulcer that can develop into a more serious systemic affliction as the protozoa spreads lymphati...

Unusual manifestation of genital cutaneous leishmaniasis in an immunocompetent patient from São Paulo, Brazil: A case report

Abstract A 31-year-old male patient developed an ulcer on the glans penis that evolved for three months without healing. We diagnosed it as leishmaniasis using polymerase chain reaction. No immunosuppression or associated diseases were observed. The patient was treated with meglumine antimoniate that cur...

Protocolo Brasileiro para Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis 2020: abordagem às pessoas com vida sexual ativa

Epidemiol. serv. saúde; 30 (spe1), 2021
Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar conceitos e práticas clínicas recomendados para a abordagem da pessoa com vida sexual ativa. Esses conceitos são parte integrante das recomendações do Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas para Atenção Integral às Pessoas com Infecções Sexualment...