Results: 16

Frecuencia del síndrome metabólico y factores de riesgo en adultos con y sin diabetes mellitus e hipertensión arterial

Rev. salud pública; 19 (5), 2017
RESUMEN Objetivo Determinar la frecuencia y factores de riesgo para Síndrome Metabólico (SM) en adultos con Diabetes mellitus, hipertensión arterial y sin diabetes-hipertensión. Material y Métodos Se realizó un estudio transversal analítico en derechohabientes de ambos sexos y mayores de 20 año...

Cost-consequence analysis of Pharmaceutical Care program for systemic arterial hypertension in the public health system in Brazil

ABSTRACT In Brazil, 80% of hypertensive patients have no blood pressure controlled, this fact has caused severe financial consequences for the public health system (PHS) and the Pharmaceutical Care (PC) has emerged as an effective alternative. The aim of this study was to analyze the costs and outcomes o...

Case 3/2016 - 58 Year-Old Hypertensive Male with End-Stage Renal Disease, Aortic Dissection, Fever and Hemoptysis

Arq. bras. cardiol; 107 (1), 2016

Relationship between hypertension and periapical lesion: an in vitro and in vivo study

Braz. oral res. (Online); 30 (1), 2016
Abstract The aim of this study was to compare potential aspects of periapical lesion formation in hypertensive and normotensive conditions using hypertensive (BPH/2J) and wild-type control (BPN/3J) mice. The mandibular first molars of both strains had their dental pulp exposed. At day 21 the mice were eu...

Antecedentes de enfermedades maternas en pacientes con fisura de labio y/o paladar en Ciudad de La Habana
Maternal disease backgrounds present in patients with cleft lip and palate or both in Havana City

Rev. cuba. estomatol; 46 (2), 2009
Las malformaciones congénitas se definen como defectos estructurales genéticamente determinados presentes en el niño en el momento de nacer. Se han identificado miles de defectos congénitos. Las fisuras labio-palatinas constituyen deficiencias estructurales congénitas debidas a la falta de unión en...

Cardiopatia isquêmica com artérias coronárias epicárdicas pélvias:patologia das arteríolas do coraçäo
Ischemic heart disease with normal epicardial coronary arteries: histophatologic study of the cardie arterioles

Arq. bras. cardiol; 51 (2), 1988
Os autores estudaram a expressäo histológica das arteríolas do miocárdio, em casos de necrópsia, com o diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus, hipertensäo arterial sistêmica e lupus eritematoso sistêmico. Constararam incidência expressiva de lesöes arteriolares nas doenças estudadas. Guardando rela...