Results: 25

Barreras psicológicas en el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa del idioma inglés

Cienc. Serv. Salud Nutr; 10 (1), 2019
Introducción: niveles altos de ansiedad, inhibición, temor, miedo, tristeza constituyen barreras psicológicas que obstaculizan el proceso de aprendizaje; mientras que, niveles altos de autoestima y motivación permiten alcanzar un eficiente dominio de competencias comunicativas de idiomas extranjeros....

Component mechanisms of executive function in schizophrenia and their contribution to functional outcomes

Rev. bras. psiquiatr; 41 (1), 2019
Objective: In schizophrenia, scores reflecting deficits in different cognitive processes are strongly correlated, making it difficult to establish a solid relationship between different cognitive mechanisms and other features of this disorder. The objective of this study was to explore whether three freq...

Caracterización cognitiva del trastorno de Tourette con comorbilidad TDAH: un estudio de caso

El trastorno de Tourette (TT) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo que aparece en la primera infancia caracterizado por la presencia de tics fónicos y motores que dificultan la socialización y el proceso de aprendizaje escolar. El TT posee una variada comorbilidad que incluye el trastorno por déficit d...

Perspectivas clínicas sobre la anorexia mental

El presente trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación UBACyT 2018-2020: “Evaluación de Cambio Psíquico en Pacientes con Ataques de Pánico y/o Consumos problemáticos” dirigido por la Dra. Silvia Quesada. En el mismo abordaremos una vertiente de la discusión epistemológico-clínica en t...

Altos níveis de impulsividade e consumo de álcool na adolescência

Rev. latinoam. psicol; 50 (1), 2018
Resumo O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar se os adolescentes que experimentaram álcool apresentavam menor controle inibitório e maior impulsividade do que aqueles que nunca beberam. A amostra foi coletada em seis escolas públicas e privadas de Porto Alegre e fizeram parte deste estudo 122 adolescen...

Assessment of inhibitory control in crack and/or cocaine users: a systematic review

Abstract Objective Impairments involving inhibitory control have been considered central deficits in drug users, but it appears that dysfunctions may be specific to users' drug of choice. This article aims to review recent findings on inhibitory control impairment in samples of crack and/or cocaine use...

The Five Digits Test in the assessment of older adults with low formal education: construct validity and reliability in a Brazilian clinical sample

Abstract Introduction In the assessment of older adults with very low formal education, typical tests of selective attention and inhibitory control are biased by reading abilities. In this sense, we aim to assess the psychometric characteristics of the Five Digits Test (FDT), a numerical Stroop paradig...

Inhibiciones de la cura

A partir de la lógica de la inhibición, se interrogan los modos en que el movimiento mismo del análisis puede ser detenido u obstaculizado. Los avatares transferenciales son, en este punto, cruciales. Se procura, así, explorar tanto los problemas que la inhibición le plantea al psicoanálisis como l...

Development of the Brazilian version of the Child Hayling Test

Abstract Introduction: The Hayling Test assesses the components of initiation, inhibition, cognitive flexibility and verbal speed by means of a sentence completion task. This study presents the process of developing the Brazilian version of the Child Hayling Test (CHT) and reports evidence of its conten...

Neuropsychological and behavioral assessment of impulsivity in adolescents: a systematic review

Abstract Introduction: The aim of neuropsychological assessment is to understand the multifaceted relationship between behavior, cognition and brain organization. The main objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the literature on impulsivity and inhibitory control in healthy adoles...