Results: 31

Prevalence of melanin pigmentation in a yemeni population and its relation to some risk factors

Braz. dent. sci; 23 (2), 2020
Objective: The present study aimed to explore the prevalence of melanin pigmentation in a sample of Yemeni population and its relation to some possible risk factors. Material and Methods: This crosssectional study was performed on 440 patients attending a private clinic. Printed questionnaires were intro...

Papilas Fungiformes Pigmentadas de la Lengua. Características Clínicas, Histológicas y Dermatoscópicas de una Serie de Casos Ecuatorianos

RESUMEN: Las papilas fungiformes pigmentadas de la lengua, cuyas siglas son PFPT, del inglés Pigmented fungiform papillae of the tongue, es una condición asintomática, no progresiva que se presenta en personas de piel oscura, en las cuales las papilas fungiformes cambian de su color rosado natural, a ...

Albinism: epidemiology, genetics, cutaneous characterization, psychosocial factors

An. bras. dermatol; 94 (5), 2019
Abstract Oculocutaneous albinism is an autosomal recessive disease caused by the complete absence or decrease of melanin biosynthesis in melanocytes. Due to the reduction or absence of melanin, albinos are highly susceptible to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and are at increased risk of act...

Avaliação histológica da redução do conteúdo melânico cutâneo após realização de microagulhamento na região anterior do colo

Introdução: A região anterior do tórax constitui área fotoexposta que apresenta efeitos do fotodano. O microagulhamento é opção segura para rejuvenescimento dessa área, promovendo também a melhora de discromias. Objetivo: Avaliar a resposta histológica cutânea após três sessões mensais de ...

Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy: a clinicopathological case report

Braz. dent. j; 29 (4), 2018
Abstract Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy (MNTI) is a rare neoplasm that affects mainly children under 1 year of age. A 4-month-old boy was referred for evaluation of a lesion with 1 month of evolution. Intra-oral examination detected a firm upon palpation submucosal nodular mass, measuring 1.5...

Evaluation of melanin production by Sporothrix luriei

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 113 (1), 2018
There is a paucity of studies on the cell biology of Sporothrix luriei, the less common of the pathogenic Sporothrix species worldwide. The production of DHN-melanin, eumelanin, and pyomelanin were evaluated on the mycelial and yeast forms of the S. luriei ATCC 18616 strain. The mycelial form of this spe...

Influence of different cosmetic vehicles in mechanical and physical properties of hair treated with oxidative hair dyes

ABSTRACT Hair care products play a significant role in the cosmetic market and aim at improving hair brightness, breakage resistance, and color change. In this study, we analyzed the possibility of the formulation of oxidative dyes in different vehicles impacting the hair's both mechanical and physical p...

Melanose multicêntrica em frango de corte: relato de caso

Melanoblastos podem migrar de forma errática durante a embriogênese, gerando um quadro conhecido como melanose. São raros os estudos envolvendo melanose com acometimento múltiplo dos órgãos. Objetivou-se descrever um caso de melanose multicêntrica em frango de corte que gerou condenação do anima...

Tratamento da pigmentação melânica gengival – revisão sistemática da literatura

Periodontia; 27 (2), 2017
A pigmentação oral é uma descoloração que atinge principalmente a gengiva e a mucosa oral, associada a fatores etiológicos endógenos e exógenos. A melanina é um dos pigmentos responsáveis por essa coloração sendo produzida pelos melanossomos presentes nos melanócitos, que estão localizados ...

Diffuse cutaneous melanosis: rare complication of metastatic melanoma

An. bras. dermatol; 92 (5,supl.1), 2017
Abstract Diffuse cutaneous melanosis is a rare complication of metastatic melanoma related to a worse prognosis. There are few cases reported in the literature. Its pathogenesis has not been completely elucidated, although studies have suggested certain mechanisms for its occurrence. It is clinically man...