Results: 95

Expression Levels of the CA9, WT1, and PRAME genes and genotyping-associated antigens for the diagnosis and prognosis of colorectal cancer

Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most prevalent type of cancer worldwide, and is one of the major health problems in Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. The tumor antigens recently are of interesting indicators as diagnostic and prognostic tools, The aim of the present study is to detect t...

Surgical approach of megacecum secondary to descending colon tumor

Intestinal obstruction is the most frequent clinical manifestation of colon tumors, most of which are located in the descending and recto-sigmoid colon. Emergency bowel obstruction surgery is associated with high mortality and morbidity risks and the ideal approach remains controversial. Multi-stage proc...

Trasplante hepático por metástasis hepáticas irresecables de cáncer colorrectal: revisión de la literatura

Rev. méd. Chile; 150 (5), 2022
In Chile, colorectal cancer ranks third in incidence and fifth in mortality. Half of these patients have liver metastases at the diagnosis, and only 30% of them are resectable. Despite the development of many complex hepatobiliary procedures to achieve the total resection of metastases, the long-term sur...

Analysis of patients undergoing colonoscopies and the importance of exam quality for colorectal cancer screening

Objective: To determine the impact of the quality of colonoscopy examination for colorectal cancer screening. Methods: Retrospective observational study ofmedical records from patients treated at the endoscopy and colonoscopy service of Hospital Universitário Evangélico Mackenzie (Curitiba, PR, Brazil...

Resultados del primer ensayo clínico aleatorizado de tamizaje de cáncer de colon con colonoscopía

Propedêutica mínima no climatério
Minimum propaedeutics in the climacteric

Femina; 50 (5), 2022

Neoplasia primaria sincrónica de estómago, colon y recto: reporte de un caso

Presentamos el caso de un paciente masculino de 40 años de edad, con estreñimiento de un año de evolución y antecedentes de enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico, se realiza endoscopia digestiva alta y baja y se realiza diagnóstico sincrónico de adenocarcinoma de estómago, recto y colon descende...

Postcolonoscopy colorectal cancer: an overview and future directions

Over the past decade, there has been a great interest in postcolonoscopy colorectal cancer (PCCRC). Its etiology is complex and multifactorial. Monitoring for PCCRC is even more complex. The strategies to decrease the incidence of PCCRC start by defining the problem, identifying the factors contributing ...

Hemofilia adquirida como manifestación inicial de recidiva de adenocarcinoma colorrectal

Medicina (B.Aires); 81 (2), 2021
Resumen Presentamos el caso de un varón de 86 años con un hematoma espontáneo en el músculo ilíaco izquierdo y diagnóstico previo de cáncer de colon en 1998 (estadio pT3N0M0), tratado quirúrgicamente mediante colectomía transversal, considerado en remisión completa. Tras realización de estudio...

Carcinoma colorrectal en niños y adolescentes

Arch. argent. pediatr; 119 (5), 2021
Si bien el carcinoma colorrectal (CCR) es la tercera enfermedad oncológica más frecuente en adultos, solo el 1-4 % ocurre en menores de 25-30 años. Su presentación suele confundirse con otras patologías, lo cual lleva a significativas demoras diagnósticas. Dada su baja incidencia, pocos pediatra...