Results: 33

Uso de pulseira de identificação para risco de broncoaspiração em ambiente hospitalar

Audiol., Commun. res; 24 (), 2019
RESUMO Objetivo apresentar o Protocolo de Prevenção de Broncoaspiração (PPB), visando estabelecer um fluxo padronizado para o manejo do paciente com risco de broncoaspiração. Esse protocolo, de aplicabilidade multiprofissional, estabelece um padrão assistencial de práticas clínicas para garanti...

Tratamiento endoscópico de una hendidura laríngea posterior: reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

RESUMEN Las hendiduras laríngeas posteriores son anomalías congénitas de la laringe de baja incidencia que comprometen la región interaritenoidea o la lámina cricoidea. En caso de extenderse hasta la tráquea son denominados clefts laringo-tráqueo-esofágicos. Su clínica es inespecífica y debe so...

Doença periodontal e broncoaspiração em paciente neurovegetativo

Case 2/2018 - 73-Year-Old Male with Ischemic Cardiomyopathy, Cachexia and Shock

Arq. bras. cardiol; 110 (4), 2018

Neumopatía por aspiración (sindrome aspirativo

Aspiration pulmonary disease is the condition in which there is a passage of gastric or oral content to the airways; the extent of aspiration is conditioned by the amount and frequency with which it occurs. The diagnostic approach of this pathology begins with an adequate clinical history with special em...

Reporte de un caso de puente intramiocárdico en arteria coronaria derecha

Medwave; 18 (8), 2018
Los puentes intramiocárdicos son una anomalía de la circulación coronaria. Estos suelen presentarse en el trayecto de la arteria descendente anterior y se clasifican en superficiales o profundos. Reportamos el hallazgo de un puente intramiocárdico en el trayecto de la arteria coronaria derecha, inclu...

Study on the Correlation between Barium Radiography and Pulmonary Infection rate in the Evaluation of Swallowing Function

Clinics; 73 (), 2018
OBJECTIVES: To compare the results respectively obtained from the utilization of 60% barium sulfate suspension and Iohexol as contrast agents for videofluoroscopic swallowing studies and the relationship between the clinical application of the two kinds of contrast agents and the incidence of pneumonia. ...

Precisión y exhaustividad del registro de eventos adversos mediante una terminología de interfase

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 52 (), 2018
RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar qué registran las enfermeras en la historia clínica mediante ATIC, sobre los eventos adversos: úlceras por presión, infección del sitio quirúrgico y aspiración con resultado de neumonía, en términos de precisión diagnostica y exhaustividad. Método: Estudio observ...

Chest CT findings in patients with dysphagia and aspiration: a systematic review

J. bras. pneumol; 43 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT The objective of this systematic review was to characterize chest CT findings in patients with dysphagia and pulmonary aspiration, identifying the characteristics and the methods used. The studies were selected from among those indexed in the Brazilian Virtual Library of Health, LILACS, Indice B...

Qualitative and quantitative ultrasound assessment of gastric content

Summary Objective: Pulmonary aspiration of the gastric contents is one of the most feared complications in anesthesia. Its prevention depends on preoperative fasting as well as identification of risky patients. A reliable diagnostic tool to assess gastric volume is currently lacking. The aim of this stu...