Results: 19

Assessment of serum lactate levels, blood glucose values and blood gas values in sheep, newborn lambs and placenta

Pesqui. vet. bras; 38 (9), 2018
Newborn animals, in the fetal-to-neonatal transition, usually face several challenges in their first 24 hours, including issues with acid-base balance, glycemic levels and oxygenation. Difficulties to overcome such issues have caused several deaths among newborns. Therefore, studies have been carried out...

Serum and liver copper, iron, molybdenum and zinc concentration in goats and sheep in the state of Paraíba, Brazil

Pesqui. vet. bras; 38 (7), 2018
This study aimed to determine Cu, Fe, Mo, and Zn liver and serum concentration in sheep and goats raised in the rangelands of the semiarid region of the state of Paraíba, Brazil, during the dry and rainy seasons, and to establish if Cu deficiency is primary or secondary to high ingestion of Mo or Fe. Cu...

Avaliação da transferência de imunidade passiva e de constituintes séricos de cordeiros Santa Inês nascidos de partos simples e gemelares no semiárido paraibano

Pesqui. vet. bras; 38 (2), 2018
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência do tipo de parto sobre a transferência de imunidade passiva e de alguns constituintes séricos de cordeiros recém-nascidos, alimentados naturalmente com colostro materno, criados no semiárido paraibano em sistema extensivo. Foram utilizados 3...

Although it induces synchronized ovulation, hCG reduces the fertility of Santa Ines ewes submitted to TAI

The aim of this study was to evaluate hCG treatment on ovarian response and on pregnancy rate using a 9-day oestrus synchronization protocol in Santa Ines ewes. On a random oestrus cycle day, ewes received an intravaginal progesterone device (Primer-PR®, Tecnopec, Brazil). Nine days later (Day 9), 30µg...

Desarrollo de un modelo experimental de osteonecrosis de maxilar asociada al tratamiento crónico con aminobisfosfonatos
Experimental model of osteonecrosis of the jaw associated to chronic treatment with aminobisphosphonates

Actual. osteol; 13 (2), 2017
La osteonecrosis de maxilar asociada a aminobisfosfonatos (BRONJ) constituye un efecto secundario del tratamiento crónico con los más potentes. Un modelo experimental permitiría determinar la patogenia de dicha alteración. La oveja presenta características orales y del metabolismo óseo similar al h...

Comportamento ingestivo e parâmetros sanguíneos em ovinos que receberam dietas contendo aditivos à base de extratos de própolis em pó

Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos do extrato de própolis (LLOSC2) sobre o comportamento ingestivo e os parâmetros sanguíneos em cordeiros alimentados com dieta concentrada. Foram utilizados quatro cordeiros machos, castrados, sem raça definida e com peso médio inicial de 32±1,92kg, mantidos em gaiola...

Comparative hematological analysis of Morada Nova and Santa Inês ewes in all reproductive stages

Pesqui. vet. bras; 37 (4), 2017
Hematologic analysis provides reliable information on the health status of animals. It is an important variable in the assessment of adaptive and productive capacity of breeds under unfavorable environmental conditions. It is an assessment that combined with other genetic and environmental factors and ma...

Parâmetros sanguíneos e opg (ovos por grama de fezes) de ovelhas mestiças da raça Dorper em diferentes graus do método famacha

A criação de ovinos no Brasil vem se desenvolvendo em larga escala nos últimos anos, entretanto, as verminoses continuam causando grandes perdas no setor de ovinocultura. Dentre as verminoses, as helmintoses são responsáveis pelos maiores prejuízos na criação de ovinos, sendo o principal parasita...

Prepartum administration of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) on adaptation to subclinical ketosis of the ewes and performance of the lambs

The aim of this study was to determine the effect of prepartum rbST injection on the metabolic profile of pregnant ewes induced to subclinical ketosis, as well as the metabolism until seven days of life and weight gain until seven weeks of life of the lambs. Twenty seven pregnant ewes of the pantaneiro g...