Results: 38

Implementación del método de FilmArrayTM en pacientes pediátricos con infecciones severas

Se evaluó la implementación del método de PCR múltiple FilmArrayTM (Biofire Diagnostics, LLC, EE.UU.) en 21 niños con infección respiratoria aguda baja, 3 con meningoencefalitis, y un caso de sepsis. Se registraron el tiempo de demora hasta obtener el resultado y adecuar el tratamiento, los días d...

The paradox of COVID-19 and pediatric anesthesiology: opinion of the Pediatric Anesthesia Committee of the Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 70 (2), 2020

Consejería adolescente

Rev. chil. pediatr; 91 (1), 2020
Resumen: La Consejería Adolescente (CA) es una actividad psicosocial para promover la salud y lograr la adop ción de cambios voluntarios en la conducta, con un impacto positivo en la salud de las personas. En este artículo se aborda el tema aplicando un enfoque constructivista y centrado en la persona...

Nursing diagnoses and outcomes for children with nutritional anomalies: a descriptive study

ABSTRACT Objectives: to develop nursing diagnoses and outcomes for children with nutritional anomalies based on terms found in a children's clinical protocol and on the 2017 International Classification for Nursing Practice. Methods: exploratory-descriptive study, conducted with the validation of diagn...

Content Translation And Validation Of The Pediatric PIV Infiltration Scale Into Brazilian Portuguese

ABSTRACT Objectives: to translate, adapt and validate the PIV Infiltration Scale content into Brazilian Portuguese. Methods: a methodological study. Initial translation was performed by two bilingual translators, translation synthesis; backtranslation to the original language; elaboration of the transl...

Early detection of poor adherence to treatment of pediatric rheumatic diseases: pediatric rheumatology adherence questionnaire - a pilot study

ABSTRACT Objective: To develop a questionnaire that allows the early detection of patients at risk for poor adherence to medical and non-medical treatment in children and adolescents with chronic rheumatic diseases. Methods: The Pediatric Rheumatology Adherence Questionnaire (PRAQ) was applied in rec...

Care management for the hospitalized child with chronic cancer pain: intervening conditions

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the intervening conditions of care management for the hospitalized child with chronic cancer pain. Method: Qualitative research, anchored in the methodological and theoretical frameworks, respectively, Grounded Theory and Complex Thinking. The semi-structured interview...

Analysis of the reaction and behavior of nurses after training on young child feeding

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to assess the reaction and behavior of nurses after training on the use of educational tool to promote heathy nutrition to children. Method: pilot assessment study, of descriptive and quantitative approach, carried out in 2014 with eight nurses from the rural area of Ceará, Brazil,...

Creation and validation of a checklist for blood transfusion in children

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the process for creating and validating a checklist for blood transfusion in children. Method: Methodological study, conducted from November 2016 to May 2017, developed in two stages. The content of the items that compose the instrument was based on scientific evidence a...

Consenso chileno de técnicas de kinesiología respiratoria en pediatría

Chest physiotherapy is currently an outstanding therapeutic tool for the management of pediatric respiratory patients. Many and varied techniques, manual and assisted, have been developed, some requiring patient collaboration. The development of knowledge and the pathophysiological understanding of respi...