Results: 48

Evaluation of apical debris extrusion and patency file in continuous and reciprocating rotary endodontic systems

J. oral res. (Impresa); 8 (4), 2019
The aim of the study was to quantify and compare apical debris extrusion in two systems of continuous and reciprocating rotary instrumentation with, and without, the use of a patency file. An experimental study was carried out in 120 mesial roots of lower first molars, which were randomized in the follow...

Tendências atuais no tratamento endodôntico por cirurgiões dentistas no Brasil

Objetivo: conhecer as principais práticas adotadas atualmente por cirurgiões dentistas, clínicos gerais e endodontistas na realização do tratamento endodôntico. Material e Métodos: um questionário contendo 21 perguntas de múltipla escolha foi enviado para os profissionais, nas cinco regiões do ...

Efeito da irrigação ultrassônica e da medicação intracanal com hidróxido de cálcio na quantidade e no metabolismo de bactérias que persistiram após o preparo dos canais radiculares de dentes com periodontite apical

Estudos moleculares ressaltam as limitações do protocolo endodôntico tradicional em eliminar bactérias dos canais radiculares. Apesar do preparo químico-cirúrgico (PQC) promover uma drástica redução bacteriana, muitos canais continuam infectados após essa etapa do tratamento. Dessa forma, estud...

Effect of ultrasonic and Nd: Yag laser activation on irrigants on the push-out bond strength of fiber post to the root canal

J. appl. oral sci; 27 (), 2019
Abstract Objective: This in vitro study aimed to compare the efficacy of irrigants using various irrigation activation methods to the push-out bond strengths of fiber post to root canal luted with self-adhesive resin cement (SARC). Methodology: Forty-eight decoronated human canines were used. The speci...

Efficacy of sonic and ultrasonic irrigation devices in the removal of debris from canal irregularities in artificial root canals

J. appl. oral sci; 27 (), 2019
Abstract Objective To evaluate the efficacy of different sonic and ultrasonic devices in the elimination of debris from canal irregularities in artificial root canals. Materials and Methods A resin model of a transparent radicular canal filled with dentin debris was used. Five groups were tested, namel...

Effect of aging on dentinal crack formation after treatment and retreatment procedures: a micro-ct study

Braz. dent. j; 29 (6), 2018
Abstract In order to evaluate the volume of dentinal cracks taking into account the age of the dentin and the type of file system used for endodontic procedures, forty freshly extracted single-rooted lower incisive teeth presenting similar root volume, were divided into two groups according to the age of...

Percepción Intraoperatoria del Paciente sobre la Preparación de la Cavidad de Acceso Endodóntico

RESUMEN: La creencia de que el tratamiento de endodoncia es el tratamiento dental más doloroso es algo habitual. A pesar de ello, la percepción intraoperatoria durante el tratamiento de endodoncia ha sido poco estudiada. Por ello, el objetivo de esta investigación fue describir la percepción de dolor...

Evaluation of apically extruded debris using positive and negative pressure irrigation systems in association with different irrigants

Braz. dent. j; 29 (2), 2018
Abstract This study evaluated the amount of apically extruded debris after chemo-mechanical preparation (CMP) using positive and negative pressure irrigation systems [Conventional irrigation (CI) and EndoVac (EV)] in association with different irrigants [6% Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl), 2% Chlorhexidine g...

Effect of sonic versus ultrasonic activation on aqueous solution penetration in root canal dentin

J. oral res. (Impresa); 7 (1), 2018
The aim of this study was to observe the penetration of an aqueous solution into the root canal dentin under sonic activation and ultrasonic activation. Materials and Method: this study consisted of experimental in vitro research. In order to achieve a closed system, the apex of 45 single-rooted teeth wa...

Unprepared root canal surface areas: causes, clinical implications, and therapeutic strategies

Braz. oral res. (Online); 32 (supl.1), 2018
Abstract: Chemomechanical preparation is intended to clean, disinfect, and shape the root canal. This step is of utmost importance during treatment of infected teeth with apical periodontitis, because treatment outcome depends on how effectively the clinician eliminates bacteria, their products, and necr...