Results: 39

Índice de riesgo nutricional geriátrico en pacientes hospitalizados por enfermedades vasculares periféricas
Geriatric nutritional risk indexes in patients hospitalized due to peripheral vascular diseases

Introducción: El índice de riesgo nutricional geriátrico es un instrumento simple y exacto que permite identificar a pacientes hospitalizados con este riesgo. Objetivo: Valorar la prevalencia de riesgo nutricional en pacientes ingresados por presentar una enfermedad vascular. Métodos: Se evaluaron...

The role of Angiology and Vascular Surgery in the COVID-19 pandemic

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 47 (), 2020
ABSTRACT The New Coronavirus Epidemic (2019-nCoV), discovered in the city of Wuhan, China, in December 2019, presents mainly with pulmonary pneumonia that is preceded by fever, cough and myalgia. However, as the disease spread globally and the number of hospitalizations increased exponentially, it was no...

Risk factors associated with hepatic artery thrombosis: analysis of 1050 liver transplants

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 33 (4), 2020
ABSTRACT Background: Hepatic artery thrombosis is an important cause of graft loss and ischemic biliary complications. The risk factors have been related to technical aspects of arterial anastomosis and non-surgical ones. Aim: To evaluate the risk factors for the development of hepatic artery throm...

The outcomes of internal iliac artery preservation during endovascular or open surgery treatment for aortoiliac aneurysms

Abstract Background Internal iliac artery (IIA) preservation continues to be a challenge during open surgery or endovascular repair of abdominal aortoiliac aneurysm (AAIA). Objectives To determine the results in terms of survival and clinical outcomes in patients with aortoiliac aneurysms (AAIA) treate...

Migraña: efectividad del tratamiento quirúrgico: revisión de la literatura

Rev. cir. (Impr.); 71 (6), 2019
Resumen La migraña afecta a un porcentaje importante de la población y los síntomas pueden interferir con calidad de vida de manera importante. A pesar de los avances en el manejo médico, existe una proporción de pacientes que no responden adecuadamente a la intervención farmacológica. En los últ...

Hybrid treatment of complex aortic arch anomaly with saccular aneurysm

Abstract Aortic arch anomalies are not clinically important unless they cause compression symptoms due to aneurysmatic dilatation. Aortic anomalies need to be treated when they cause complex thoracic aortic diseases, and the treatment approach has evolved over time from open surgical methods, which have ...

Long-term assessment of left ventricular ejection fraction and mitral regurgitation following takeuchi repair

Abstract Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the early operative outcomes and to compare the left ventricle and mitral valve functions after initial Takeuchi repair in patients with anomalous left coronary arising from pulmonary artery (ALCAPA). Methods: Fourteen patients (5 males, 9 females; mean ...

Técnica de Takeuchi en el origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda de la arteria pulmonar

Arch. cardiol. Méx; 89 (2), 2019

Angiología y cirugía vascular trabajará para incrementar la publicación de sus resultados científicos
Angiology and vascular surgery Journal will work to increase the publications of its scientific results

Desde los inicios de nuestra especialidad en los primeros años del Triunfo de la Revolución Cubana el 1 de enero de 1959, el Profesor Jorge Benjamín Mc Cook Martínez (fallecido el 28 de julio de 1990) con tenaz dedicación y esfuerzo acometió la ardua e importante tarea de renacer y organizar la esp...