Results: 16

Quiste bucal mandibular infectado bilateral: reporte de caso estudiado con CBCT
Bilateral mandibular infected buccal cyst: report of a case studied by CBCT

El quiste bucal mandibular infectado (QBMI), también conocido como quiste de bifurcación, es un quiste odontogénico inflamatorio poco frecuente y descripto por primera vez por Stoneman y Worth. Ha sido incluido en la clasificación de la OMS de quistes y tumores odontogénicos en 1992. Este quiste sue...

Removal of odontogenic keratocyst in maxilla through the Le Fort i osteotomy

The odontogenic keratocyst is a lesion with specific clinical and histopathological aspects. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2017 reclassified it from a tumor to a cyst. It is characterized as a cyst of epithelial development of the jaws, arising from the remains of the dental blade. It represents...

Enucleation of Odontogenic Cyst with Bone Graft

ABSTRACT: Periapical cyst originates from an inflammatory reaction in the body that occurs due to a long-term endodontic aggression. It is more prevalent in caucasian male, during the third decade of life, in the anterior portion of the maxilla. They are commonly radiographic findings, due to their asymp...

Queratoquiste Odontogénico en un Paciente con Displasia Cleidocraneal: reporte de un Caso

RESUMEN: La displasia cleidocraneal (DCC), es un trastorno autosómico dominante poco común, que involucra principalmente a los huesos que se osifican por vía membranosa; afectando el cierre de fontanelas craneales y el desarrollo de las clavículas, además de anomalías dentales y vertebrales. El obj...

Digital design of functional surgery for odontogenic cyst intruding into maxillary sinus

Abstract Introduction Traditional Caldwell-Luc approach needs modifications for odontogenic cysts intruding into the maxillary sinus, to preserve sinus mucosa and bony contour. Recently, digital technology has been widely applied to the field of maxillofacial surgery, guiding the surgical plan and impro...

Syndrome in question: Gorlin-Goltz syndrome

An. bras. dermatol; 91 (4), 2016
Abstract: The Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome (NBCCS) is an uncommon disorder caused by a mutation in Patched, tumor suppressor gene. It is mainly characterized by numerous early onset basal cell carcinomas, odontogenic cysts of jaw and skeletal abnormalities. Due to the wide clinical spectrum, trea...