Results: 23

Patterns of Maxillary Canine Impaction in Iraqi Population

Abstract Objective: To investigate the prevalence of maxillary canine impaction and whether the impacted canine cases have had a potentially good or poor prognosis if interceptive treatment was practiced at earlier ages. Material and Methods: 1755 panoramic radiographs of patients, aged 13 to 60 years,...

Radiographic Characteristics of Soft Tissue Calcification on Digital Panoramic Images

Abstract Objective: To assess the prevalence of soft tissue calcifications and their panoramic radiographic characteristics. Material and Methods: This descriptive retrospective study evaluated 2027 panoramic radiographs. The type and location of calcifications and the age and gender of patients were e...

Prevalence of Peg-Shaped Lateral Incisors in Non-Syndromic Subjects: A Multi-Population Study

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and gender-wise distribution of peg-shaped maxillary permanent lateral incisors among populations in Saudi Arabia representing different geographical locations (Saudi, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Philippine, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh). Material and Methods:...

Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Dental Age in 8-15-Year-Old Orthodontic Patients

Abstract Objective: To investigate the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and dental age in 8-15-year-old orthodontic patients. Material and Methods: Forty-eight children (25 males, 23 females) aged 8-15 years requiring orthodontic treatment participated in this retrospective study. The dental ...

Evaluation of Canine Transpositions and Related Dental Anomalies in a Turkish Pediatric Population

Abstract Objective: To investigate the prevalence and characteristics of canine transpositions and to evaluate associated dental anomalies in a pediatric population. Material and Methods: This study was carried out by evaluating the panoramic radiographs of 11.750 patients ranging in ages from 6 to 17 ...

Patterns of Mandibular Third Molar Impaction in an Iranian Subpopulation

Abstract Objective: To assess the patterns of mandibular third molar impaction in an Iranian subpopulation. Material and Methods: This retrospective descriptive study evaluated 1000 panoramic radiographs retrieved from the archives of a private radiology clinic in Kermanshah city, Iran. Depth of impact...

Supernumerary Teeth: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study from Palestine

Abstract Objective: To investigate the prevalence and characteristics of supernumerary teeth among patients attending the students' dental clinics at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Arab American University, Jenin, Palestine. Material and Methods: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective s...

Are Environmental Factors Effective in Congenitally Missing Teeth? A Multicenter Study

Abstract Objective: To examine the prevalence of congenital absence of permanent teeth other than third molar teeth in non-syndromic children in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Regions of Turkey, and the correlation between gender and distribution sites in the jaws. Material and Methods: Panoramic radi...

Performance mastigatória e impacto da saúde oral na qualidade de vida em pacientes reabilitados com prótese fixa implantossuportada com carga imediata
Masticatory performance and impact of oral health on quality of life in patients rehabilitated with implant-supported fixed prosthesis with immediate loading

O impacto da saúde oral na qualidade de vida (OHRQoL) dos pacientes através da substituição de próteses totais convencionais (PTC) por próteses fixas implantossuportadas (PFIS) ainda não está totalmente claro, devido à grande heterogeneidade metodológica. O objetivo desse ensaio clínico contro...

Prevalência de inclinações e profundidade de terceiros molares inferiores, segundo as classificações de winter e de pell & gregory

Objetivo: Verificar a prevalência da posição de terceiros molares inferiores, estabelecendo a sua posição e inclinação, em relação às classificações de Winter e de Pell & Gregory, e em relação ao gênero. Método: Foram analisadas radiografias de 1150 terceiros molares inferiores os qua...