Results: 25

Polymorphisms in β-adrenergic receptors are associated with increased risk to have a positive head-up tilt table test in patients with vasovagal syncope

Rev. invest. clín; 71 (2), 2019
Abstract Background Vasovagal syncope (VVS) is a frequent clinical condition in which a genetic background seems to be implicated. Considering that the adrenergic receptors (ARs) may play a role in VVS, the present study has as principal aim to determine if the α- and β-AR (ADRA and ADRB) gene...

La prueba de inclinación (Tilt Test). 20 años de experiencia en el diagnóstico del Síncope neurocardiogénico Tilt Test: 20 years of experience in the diagnosis of the neurocardiogenic syncope

Objetivo: Valorar los resultados de las pruebas de inclinación realizadas en un lapso de 2 décadas. Métodos: Este es un estudio observacional, descriptivo y retrospectivo. Se analizaron los resultados de las Pruebas de Inclinación (PI) realizadas entre 1997 y 2018 en forma consecutiva por una sola pe...

Arritmias cardíacas na sala de emergência e UTI. Bradicardias: como identificar e tratar o paciente com baixa perfusão

O sistema cardiovascular é responsável pelo fluxo circulatório adequado, o qual depende do volume sistólico e frequência cardíaca (FC). Quando insuficientes, causa hipofluxo cerebral e incapacidade de realizar atividades. A bradicardia é causada por: a) disfunção sinusal, manifestada por FC inap...

Series de Pediatría Garrahan. El niño con problemas neurológicos

Las afecciones neurológicas son uno de los motivos de consulta más frecuentes en la práctica pediátrica ambulatoria y ocupan un alto índice de las camas en la internación. El papel del pediatra en este contexto es muy complejo, ya que es quien recibe a un paciente en la emergencia o en el consulto...

Vascular complications in patients who underwent endovascular cardiac procedures: multicenter cohort study

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze vascular complications among patients who underwent endovascular cardiac procedures in the hemodynamic laboratories of three referral centers. Method: a multicenter cohort study was conducted in three referral facilities. The sample was composed of 2,696 adult patients wh...

The relationship between preoperative anxiety levels and vasovagal incidents during the administration of spinal anesthesia

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 67 (4), 2017
Abstract Background: It was aimed to investigate the relationship between preoperative anxiety and vasovagal symptoms observed during the administration of spinal anesthesia in patients undergoing surgery in the perianal and inguinal regions. Methods: The study included patients with planned surgery fo...

Analysis of Heart Rate Variability Before and During Tilt Test in Patients with Cardioinhibitory Vasovagal Syncope

Arq. bras. cardiol; 107 (6), 2016
Abstract Background: Cardioinhibitory vasovagal response is uncommon during the tilt test (TT). Heart rate variability (HRV) by use of spectral analysis can distinguish patients with that response. Objective: To compare the HRV in patients with cardioinhibitory vasovagal syncope (case group - G1) with ...

Lifetime Prevalence of Transient Loss of Consciousness in an Urban Russian Population

Arq. bras. cardiol; 106 (5), 2016
Abstract Background: Most international studies on epidemiology of transient loss of consciousness (TLC) were performed many years ago. There are no data about the lifetime prevalence of TLC in Russia. Objective: To identify the lifetime prevalence and presumed mechanisms of TLC in an urban Russian pop...