Results: 44

Adaptive evolution and selection of stress-resistant Saccharomyces cerevisiae for very high-gravity bioethanol fermentation

Background: In industrial yeasts, selection and breeding for resistance to multiple stresses is a focus of current research. The objective of this study was to investigate the tolerance to multiple stresses of Saccharomyces cerevisiae obtained through an adaptive laboratory evolution strategy involving a...

Simplified methodology for large scale isolation of homozygous transgenic lines of lettuce

Background: Lettuce is a globally important leafy vegetable and a model plant for biotechnology due to its adaptability to tissue culture and stable genetic transformation. Lettuce is also crucial for functional genomics research in the Asteraceae which includes species of great agronomical importance. T...

Selection of Schizochytrium limacinum mutants based on butanol tolerance

Background: Mutation breeding is one of the most important routes to achieving high docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) productivity using Schizochytrium. However, few selection strategies have been reported that aim to generate a high DHA content in Schizochytrium lipids. Results: First, culture temperature alte...

Selection of alfalfa genotypes for resistance to the foliar pathogen Curvularia geniculata

An. acad. bras. ciênc; 89 (3), 2017
ABSTRACT Foliar diseases impose severe restrictions on the persistence and productivity of Medicago sativa, both of which may be increased by developing disease resistant and more competitive genotypes that can improve pasture quality. We found Curvularia geniculata as the principal alfalfa foliar pathog...

Selection of suitable reference genes for abiotic stress-responsive gene expression studies in peanut by real-time quantitative PCR

Background: Because of its strong specificity and high accuracy, real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) has been a widely used method to study the expression of genes responsive to stress. It is crucial to have a suitable set of reference genes to normalize target gene expression in peanut under different ...

Produção científica brasileira sobre psicologia evolucionista

A Psicologia Evolucionista (PE) é uma área da Psicologia que estuda o processo de evolução e suas relações com o comportamento humano. Contudo, esse termo foi utilizado apenas no século XX com a revolução da Biologia e da Ciência Cognitiva. Embora pesquisado no mundo todo, no Brasil há poucos ...

Introgression of LTP2 gene through marker assisted backcross in barley (Hordeum vulgare L. )

Electron. j. biotechnol; 19 (6), 2016
Background: Marker-assisted introgression currently represents the most widely spread application of DNA markers as an aid to selection in plant breeding. New barley germplasm should be supplemented by genes that facilitate growth and development under stressful conditions. The homology search against kn...

Uniparental genetic systems: a male and a female perspective in the domestic cattle origin and evolution

Electron. j. biotechnol; 19 (5), 2016
Over the last 20 years, the two uniparentally inherited marker systems, namely mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome have been widely employed to solve questions about origin and prehistorical range expansions, demographic processes, both in humans and domestic animals. The mtDNA and the Y chromosome, with ...

Car and motorcycle deaths: an evolutionary perspective

Abstract Our aim was to assess differences between men and women in the likelihood of exposure to traffic as drivers of cars and motorcycles, and in the risk of dying from a car or a motorcycle crash, in order to verify the extent to which Darwin's Sexual Selection Theory could have predicted the finding...

A evolução do comportamento cultural humano: apontamentos sobre darwinismo e complexidade

Resumo Foram analisadas três escolas que constituem o eixo dos estudos da evolução do comportamento humano dentro do paradigma da evolução por seleção natural: a ecologia comportamental humana, a psicologia evolutiva e a herança dual. O panorama darwinista foi identificado por meio dessas três c...