Results: 97

Análisis de los fundamentos biológicos del Sistema Ertty Gap III®

RESUMEN: Las maloclusiones clase III durante muchos años han sido un reto en ortodoncia, siendo reconocidas como un desafío diagnóstico y terapéutico para el clínico. En la mayoría de los casos, si no se realiza un tratamiento temprano, la cirugía ortognática se transforma en la única opción pa...

Correção da deficiência transversal maxilar utilizando o expansor de níquel-titânio LEAF Expander® com o protocolo para expansão lenta: relato de caso clínico

Este trabalho teve como objetivo o relato do caso clínico de uma paciente que compareceu à Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba com características de classe I de Angle e deficiência maxilar transversal, no tratamento foi utilizado o expansor de níquel-titânio LEAF Expander®, fabricado pela Leon...

Diagnóstico e tratamento precoce da má oclusão de Classe III com Aparelho Disjuntor Hyrax e Máscara Facial de Petit com avaliação do tempo de uso com micro-sensor: relato de caso clínico

O sucesso do tratamento precoce da classe III depende de um bom diagnóstico e da cooperação do paciente na utilização do aparelho extrabucal. Neste trabalho, por meio de um chip (Theramon) instalado na Máscara Facial de Petit da paciente, foi possível monitorar a quantidade de horas que a paciente...

Revisión de los principales manejos ortodónticos interceptivos y correctivos no quirúrgicos de la maloclusión clase III
Review of the main non-surgical interceptive and corrective orthodontic management of Class III malocclusion

La maloclusión clase III se considera un reto en la práctica de todo ortodoncista. Una de las principales dudas al respecto reside en ¿cuándo es el mejor momento para intervenir? Exis- ten dos enfoques en el manejo ortodóntico del paciente: 1) la ortodoncia interceptiva; y 2) la ortodoncia correc...

Maduración de la Sutura Palatina Media En Adolescentes y Adultos Jóvenes Chilenos: Estudio Transversal

RESUMEN: Objetivo: Evaluar la maduración de la sutura palatina media en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes chilenos, mediante valoración morfológica de imágenes de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico del maxilar. Material y método: Se analizó la sutura palatina media de 150 sujetos entre 15 y 30 ...

Effects of maxillary expansion on hearing and voice function in non-cleft lip palate and cleft lip palate patients with transverse maxillary deficiency: a multicentric randomized controlled trial

Abstract Introduction The association between the treatment of transverse maxillary deficiency and the recovery of hearing and voice functions has gained attention in recent years. Objective This prospective controlled trial aimed to evaluate the effects of rapid maxillary expansion on hearing an...

VEGF and fgf-2 released in palatal suture after rapid maxillary expansion (RME)

Braz. dent. j; 32 (1), 2021
Abstract Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) have the ability to increase vascular proliferation and permeability. The aim of this study was to quantify the release of two diffusible angiogenic growth factors (VEGF and FGF-2) after rapid maxillary expansio...

Impact of Wearing Palatal Expanders on the Quality of Life of Children Aged 8 to 10 Years

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the impact of wearing palatal expanders on the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of children aged 8 to 10 years. Material and Methods: The sample consisted of 35 children aged 8 to 10 years treated at the orthodontics and pediatric dentistry outpatient clinics a...

Modified Arnold expander: an alternative for mandibular arch expansion

ABSTRACT Introduction: Due to the anatomical constraints of the mandible, mandibular dental arch usually serves as a guideline to determine the required changes in the maxillary transverse dimension. The Schwarz appliance and the Lip Bumper are the traditional orthodontic appliances for mandibular arch ...

Dentoalveolar Effects Following Maxillary Expansion: Comparison Between Dental and Skeletal Anchorage

ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the dento-alveolar effects between dental and skeletal anchored expansion devices to achieve maxillary expansion in different groups of patients: pure dental anchorage was used in growing patients and skeletal anchorage in adult patients. Linear, angular and volumetric par...