Results: 19

Protective effect of Tribulus terrestris hydroalcoholic extract against cisplatin­induced apoptosis on testis in mice

Int. j. morphol; 33 (1), 2015
Cisplatin is an anti-cancer drug used in chemotherapy. One of the limiting side effects of cisplatin is decreasing genital gland function, azoospermia and oligospermia. Tribulus terrestris (TT) has been used as an aphrodisiac. The present study amid to investigate protective effect of TT hydroalcoholic e...

Protective effect of curcumin against nicotine-induced damage on reproductive parameters in male mice

Int. j. morphol; 32 (3), 2014
Nicotine consumption can decrease fertility drive in males through inducing oxidative stress and DNA damage. The color of turmeric is because of a substance called curcumin for which some anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties have been identified. In this study, various doses of curcumin (10, 3...

Differential expression and localization of ADAM10 and ADAM17 during rat spermatogenesis suggest a role in germ cell differentiation

Biol. Res; 47 (), 2014
BACKGROUND: Extracellular metolloproteases have been implied in different process such as cell death, differentiation and migration. Membrane-bound metalloproteases of the ADAM family shed the extracellular domain of many cytokines and receptor controlling auto and para/juxtacrine cell signaling in diffe...

A bradykinin-potentiating peptide (BPP-10c) from Bothrops jararaca induces changes in seminiferous tubules

Background The testis-specific isoform of angiotensin-converting enzyme (tACE) is exclusively expressed in germ cells during spermatogenesis. Although the exact role of tACE in male fertility is unknown, it clearly plays a critical function in spermatogenesis. The dipeptidase domain of tACE is identical ...

Effect of diet contains sesame seed on adult Wistar rat testis

Int. j. morphol; 31 (1), 2013
Studies show that some antioxidants are effective in improving male infertility. According to several antioxidant compounds that exist in sesame seed, this study was designed and carried out to the effects of sesame seed diet consumption on adult male rats testis structure and sex hormones. This experime...

The effect of cannabis sativa hydroalcoholic extract on sperm parameters and testis histology in rats

Int. j. morphol; 31 (1), 2013
Cannabis Sativa is a multiuse herb in traditional medicine, its hydroalcoholic extract (10, 50, and 100 mg/kg) administered interaperitoneally for 14 consequent days to Wistar male rats resulted in significant decrease in progressive motility of sperm. Sperm count and seminiferous tubules diameter decrea...

Acute effect of parathion on the seminiferous epithelium of immature mice

Rev. chil. anat; 18 (1), 2000
En el presente se estudió el efecto tóxico para la esparmatogenesis, de una inyección única del agropesticida organofosforado parathion, administrada a ratones inmaduros. Animales de 7 días de edad fueron inyectados por vía intraperitoneal con 1/3 de la LD50. Fue medido el peso corporal y testicula...

Histología testicular humana comparada, adulto joven y senil
Human testicular histology in young and senile men

Rev. chil. anat; 17 (2), 1999
La fisiología del envejecimiento implica cambios morfológicos que interfieren con la función testicular normal. El hombre senil mantiene la potencia fecundante, aunque su eficacia disminuye. Posiblemente, asociada a una presentación histopatológica testicular. Se utilizaron muestras de tejidos testi...

Ultrasonido transrectal en pacientes con azoospermia obstructiva
Transrectal ultrasonography in patients with obstrictive azoospermia

Rev. mex. urol; 52 (3), 1992
Con el afán de establecer estudios de gabinete no invasores en pacientes con azoospermia obstructiva, se realizó ultrasonido transrectal (USGTR) a 12 pacientes diagnosticados en la clínica de infertilidad del Hospital General de México, SS. En la evaluación imagenológica se encuentran quistes y cal...