Results: 48

Effectiveness of an internet-based self-guided program to treat depression in a sample of Brazilian users: a study protocol

Although psychological treatments for depressive disorders are available, they are often expensive or inaccessible for many. Web-based interventions that require minimal or no contact with therapists have been shown effective. To the best of our knowledge, no study using this treatment format has been co...

Improved quality of life and reduced depressive symptoms in medical students after a single-session intervention

Objective: Anxiety and depression are prevalent among medical students. Brazilian medical students have higher levels of depression and lower quality of life than their U.S. counterparts, and no preventive intervention exists for this risk group in Brazil. The Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatme...

La terapia cognitivo conductual por internet no es inferior a la realizada en forma presencial para tratar el trastorno de ansiedad por enfermedad
Internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy is noninferior to a face-to-face modality for treating health anxiety

Results of the Nursing Outcomes Classification/NOC for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the application of nursing outcomes and indicators selected from the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC) to evaluate patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in outpatient follow-up. Method: Outcome-based research. First, a consensus was achieved between nurses...

Estimulação cognitiva em idosos com demência: qual o impacto na saúde de seus cuidadores?

OBJETIVOS: Identificar e avaliar o efeito das intervenções de estimulação cognitiva (EC) em idosos com demências na saúde dos cuidadores. MÉTODO: Revisão sistemática da literatura conduzida de acordo com as diretrizes do Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols...

Development of Brazilian prototypes for child psychodynamic psychotherapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy

Abstract Introduction This study developed Brazilian psychodynamic psychotherapy (PDT) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) prototypes for children with internalizing disorders (ID) and externalizing disorders (ED). Method Eighteen Brazilian experts in PDT (n = 9) and CBT (n = 9) rated the 100 item...

Non-pharmacological motor-cognitive treatment to improve the mental health of elderly adults

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To propose a program of physical-cognitive dual task and to measure its impact in Chilean institutionalized elderly adults. METHOD: Experimental design study with pre and post-intervention evaluations, measuring the cognitive and depressive levels by means of the Pfeiffer test and th...

Smoking cessation treatments: current psychological and pharmacological options

Rev. invest. clín; 71 (1), 2019
Abstract Background Smoking is considered an epidemic, indeed, one of the most important public health problems worldwide. It is also the most significant preventable cause of death, of a high number of premature deaths, and avoidable chronic diseases. It is considered an enormous economic burden for th...

Jogos recreativos para um grupo de idosos: impactos sobre a saúde mental e cardiovascular

Os jogos recreativos são aliados fundamentais do envelhecimento humano e podem auxiliar o indivíduo a desenvolver melhores condições de saúde física e mental. Este trabalho apresenta o projeto de extensão “Educação em Saúde no Esporte”, desenvolvido na cidade de Jataí-GO, no decorrer das a...

Estimulación cognitiva y apoyo familiar hacia adulto mayor con deterioro cognitivo
Cognitive stimulation and family support towards older adults with cognitive impairment

Rev. inf. cient; 98 (1), 2019
Se presentó el estudio de una familia del área de salud del Policlínico Comunitario de Palma Soriano con el objetivo de socializar la experiencia de la estimulación cognitiva temprana de un adulto mayor con deterioro cognitivo a través del apoyo familiar. El estudio concluyó en 2015, en Palma Soria...