Results: 52

Evaluation of susceptibility and response in the surface of agents of surface mycoses (Trichophyton mentagrophytes; T. tonsurans) to antifungal drugs of interest in a medical clinic

ABCS health sci; 46 (), 2021
INTRODUCTION: The resistance of fungal species to drugs usually used in clinics is of great interest in the medical field. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate susceptibility and in vitro response of species of Trichophyton spp. to antifungal drugs of interest in clinical medicine. METHODS: 12 samples of clinical isol...

Tinea corporis by Nannizia gypsea: delayed diagnosis due to unusual presentation

An. bras. dermatol; 96 (1), 2021
Abstract Fungal infections by dermatophytes can present with unusual clinical manifestations, which can cause diagnostic difficulties. The authors present the case of a patient with cutaneous infection by Nanizzia gypsea, initially treated erroneously with topical corticosteroids due to a wrong diagnosis...

Dermatomicosis superficiales: cuando el diagnóstico lo entrega la histología
Superficial dermatomycosis: when the diagnosis is provided by histology

Superficial dermatomycosis are prevalent pathologies in the medical field and their diagnosis is fundamentally clinical. Histopathology is not considered part of his study, however, the diagnosis is exceptionally obtained by biopsy, when dermatomycosis was not suspected. Unpublished retrospect...

Diagnostic confusion between seabather's eruption as well as dermatophytosis and parasitic infestations

Dermoscopy - a simple and rapid in vivo diagnostic technique for tinea incognito

An. bras. dermatol; 94 (5), 2019
Abstract Tinea incognito resulting from corticosteroid abuse is becoming very common in the tropics. Its diagnosis is tricky owing to its confusing morphology, as well as practical and technical issues associated with mycological tests. Dermoscopy has now evolved as a novel diagnostic tool for diagnosing...

Brote de tiña por Trichophyton tonsurans en una escuela básica de Valparaíso, Chile

Rev. chil. infectol; 36 (4), 2019
Resumen Introducción: Las tiñas son infecciones que afectan la piel y anexos. Trichophyton tonsurans es un hongo antropofílico emergente que puede provocar brotes. Objetivo: Describir un brote de tiña por T. tonsurans en una escuela de Valparaíso. Materiales y Método: Estudio descriptivo realiza...