Results: 27

ID-Migraine™ questionnaire and accurate diagnosis of migraine

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 75 (7), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the applicability of the Portuguese version of ID-MigraineTM in a sample of Brazilian patients. Methods Patients with headache were recruited from the neurology outpatient clinic of a tertiary hospital and submitted to the ID-MigraineTM questionnaire. The diagnosis of he...

Aplicación de la digitopuntura en pacientes con cefalea migrañosa. Policlínico Contreras, Matanzas, 2014
Digitopuncture application in patients with migrainous cephalalgia. Contreras Policlinic, Matanzas, 2014

Rev. medica electron; 39 (1), 2017
Introducción: la cefalea es toda sensación dolorosa que tiene lugar en la parte superior de la cabeza, desde el reborde orbitario hasta la nuca. Constituye la primera causa de acudir al neurólogo y uno de los motivos más frecuentes en consultas de Medicina Interna. La cefalea tipo tensión es frecuen...

Serum levels of adiponectin, CCL3/MIP-1α, and CCL5/RANTES discriminate migraine from tension-type headache patients

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 74 (8), 2016
ABSTRACT Objectives Inflammatory molecules and neurotrophic factors are implicated in pain modulation; however, their role in primary headaches is not yet clear. The aim of this study was to compare the levels of serum biomarkers in migraine and tension-type headache. Methods This was a cross-section...

Vestibular migraine: clinical and epidemiological aspects

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Vestibular migraine (VM) is one of the most often common diagnoses in neurotology, but only recently has been recognized as a disease. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients with VM. METHODS: This was a retrospective, observational, and des...

Vestibular migraine: diagnosis challenges and need for targeted treatment

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 74 (5), 2016
ABSTRACT Approximately 1% of the general population suffers from vestibular migraine. Despite the recently published diagnostic criteria, it is still underdiagnosed condition. The exact neural mechanisms of vestibular migraine are still unclear, but the variability of symptoms and clinical findings both ...

Cefaléia na infância e na adolescência: Aspectos clínicos e laboratoriais

Resumo: Foram estudados 72 pacientes, crianças e adolescentes, encaminhados para avaliaçäo por apresentarem cefaléia. A idade variou de 3 a 17 anos. Os pacientes foram submetidos a exame clínico-neurológico e, posteriormente, encaminhados a exames bioquímicos de sangue, eletroencefalograma, tomogr...

Manifestaciones clínicas de migraña en niños
identify the clinic characteristic to the migraine in children

Rev. mex. pediatr; 63 (1), 1996
Objetivo. Identificar las características clínicas de la migraña en niños, y su respuesta al tratamiento profiláctico. Material y métodos. Se revisaron expedientes de niños con migraña, identificando edad, sexo, tiempo de evolución, frecuencia, duración e intensidad de la cefalea; localización...