Results: 37

Lifestyle of school-aged children with and without developmental coordination disorder

Motriz (Online); 26 (1), 2020
Abstract Aim: To analyze the association between lifestyle and signs of DCD in children aged 7 to 10. Methods: A total of 93 schoolchildren aged 7 to 10 were recruited for this study. Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (DCDQ), Movement Assessment Battery for Children - Second edition (MA...

Desenvolvimento motor grosso das crianças com Síndrome Congênita do Vírus Zika
Gross motor development of children with Zika Virus Congenital Syndrome

A criança com SCZ possui alterações de tônus e postura, porém seu impacto ao longo desenvolvimento motor ainda é desconhecido após três anos dessa síndrome. Assim, avaliar e compreender o seu desempenho motor longitudinalmente pode dimensionar as alterações motoras grossas decorrentes da doen...

Batería para la evaluación del movimiento en niños -2- banda 1. Confiabilidad de la versión en español

Rev. chil. pediatr; 90 (5), 2019
INTRODUCCIÓN: La adquisición de las destrezas motoras fundamentales influyen en la capacidad que tiene el niño para interactuar con el ambiente. Por lo anterior diversos instrumentos han sido creados para su evaluación. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la consistencia interna, reproducibilidad y el nivel de acuerd...

Ktk motor test: review of the main influencing variables

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the scientific literature regarding the effects of external variables on KTK motor test scores and to verify which motor tests are associated with KTK. Data sources: Four databases (PubMed, Science Direct, Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO - and Latin Americ...

Desafío diagnóstico e importancia del abordaje clínico del trastorno del desarrollo de la coordinación

Arch. argent. pediatr; 117 (3), 2019
El trastorno del desarrollo de la coordinación es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo frecuente, pero poco conocido por profesionales de la salud. En consecuencia, los niños no suelen ser diagnosticados y es infrecuente que reciban algún abordaje terapéutico. Se presenta una síntesis actualizada del te...

Is there a correlation between depressive symptoms and motor skills in post-stroke patients?

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 77 (3), 2019
ABSTRACT Deficits in motor skills and depressive symptoms are common effects observed after stroke, so it is necessary to understand how these variables interact with each other. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between these two variables in post-ischemic stroke patie...

Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with arboviruses in the state of Pernambuco in 2016

Abstract Introduction: In 2016, Brazil presented an increase in the notifications related to neurological syndromes with previous register of a febrile illness compatible with arboviruses, including Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Such disease is responsible for the most frequent occurrence of flaccid p...

A new motor screening assessment for children at risk for motor disorders: construct validity

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 76 (2), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To develop a motor screening assessment and provide preliminary evidence of its psychometric properties. Methods: A sample of 365 elementary school students was assessed, with structural equation modeling applied to obtain evidence of the adequacy of the factor structure of the moto...

Socio-demographic factors influences on guardians' perception of Developmental Coordination Disorder among Brazilian schoolchildren

Motriz (Online); 24 (2), 2018
AIM: The objective of this study was to identify socio-demographic factors that are associated with the guardians’ perception of developmental coordination disorder among schoolchildren from seven to ten years old. METHODS: The parents/guardians of 361 children completed the Developmental Coordination ...

Prevalência de traumatismos dentários em pacientes com distúrbio neuropsicomotor: estudo controlado

Introdução: Lesões dentárias por trauma constituem experiências angustiantes em crianças, que promovem alterações tanto físicas quanto emocionais e psicológicas. Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência de traumatismos dentários em pacientes com distúrbio neuropsicomotor e comparar a indivíduos nor...