Results: 93

Patients with encrusted ureteral stents can be treated by a single session combined endourological approach

Int. braz. j. urol; 47 (3), 2021
ABSTRACT Purpose: To describe our experience in the management of retained encrusted ureteral stents using a single session combined endourological approach. Materials and Methods: Patients with retained encrusted ureteral stents who had been submitted to a single session combined endourological approa...

High pressure endoscopic irrigation: impact on renal histology

Int. braz. j. urol; 47 (2), 2021
ABSTRACT Purpose: High intra-renal pressures during flexible ureteroscopy have been associated with adverse renal tissue changes as well as pyelovenous backflow. Our objective was to investigate the effect of various intra-renal pressures on histologic changes and fluid extravasation during simulated ur...

Sheep urinary tract architecture is not affected by acute urethral obstruction

Semina ciênc. agrar; 42 (3), 2021
Urolithiasis affects the urinary tract of small ruminants, thereby requiring the animal to prematurely terminate breeding. Morphometric study of organs can be used as a diagnostic method. Thus, this study aimed to describe the macroscopic, histopathological, and histomorphometric changes in the urinary t...

Spontaneous subepithelial hemorrhage: the Antopol-Goldman lesion

Signo cabeza de cobra: en relación con ureterocele y cálculo vesical
Cobra Head Sign: in relation to Ureterocele and vesical calculus

Imagen: Signo de la Cobra (flecha #1) hallazgo compatible con ureterocele, y en su interior imagen hiperecoica con sombra acústica posterior en relación con cálculo (flecha #2)...(AU)...