Results: 12

Factores asociados con el éxito de la terapia antitabaco en pacientes tratados con vareniclina: 10 años de experiencia en un programa multidisciplinario

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (8), 2016
Background: Smoking cessation therapies include counseling, psychological management and pharmacological therapy. Varenicline is the most effective and safe medication available. Aim: To study risk factors for the failure of pharmacological smoking cessation therapy with varenicline. Patients and Methods...

Experiencia de un programa de cesación del tabaquismo en el Instituto Nacional del Tórax

Background: Tobacco use is one of the main preventable causes of morbidity and mortality in the world. This report presents the experience of the smoking cessation team from the National Thorax Institute (Instituto Nacional del Tórax-Chile). Patients and Method: A clinical series of patients treated bet...