INTRODUCTION: Urolithiasis leads to high morbidity and mortality in the adult population worldwide, becoming a urological emergency when associated with infection. OBJECTIVE: To study the mortality rate (MR) due to ureter and kidney stones in the period 2017-2022 in Chile. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A descrip...
INTRODUCTION: The known achievements of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) stand out in an adverse context. This makes it necessary to examine the effect of the SUS on the population’s health, using indicators such as deaths by avoidable causes. OBJECTIVE: To describe the time trends of mortalit...
Objetivo:identificar fatores clínicos associados à sobrevida de pacientes com COVID-19 internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Método:estudo de coorte retrospectivo, por meiode análise documental de 100 prontuários de pacientes com COVID-19 internados em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva...
A vida frenética, principalmente nos grandes centros urbanos, dificulta, para algumas pessoas, a realização de atividade física de forma regular (3-5 vezes por semana). Todavia, a possibilidade de realizar essas atividades em um ou dois dias da semana pode ser uma alternativa bastante interessante, u...
Introduction. Diabetes and stress hyperglycemia have been related with poorer clinical outcomes in patients infected by SARS-CoV-2 and at risk for severe disease. Objective. To evaluate clinical outcomes in three groups of patients (with diabetes, without diabetes and with stress hyperglycemia) with SARS...
Introduction. Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases worldwide, with a high morbidity and mortality rate. Its prevalence has been increasing, as well as its acute complications, such as hyperglycemic crises. Hyperglycemic crises can present with combined features of diabetic ketoacidosis an...
Introducción. Algunos estudios han señalado que la soledad podría estar relacionada con un aumento en el riesgo de mortalidad en pacientes con cáncer ya que puede debilitar la respuesta al tratamiento y del sistema inmunológico y promover comportamientos perjudiciales, lo que puede empeorar el pron...