The perceived exertion (PE) corresponds to the subjective sensation caused, in part, by the me-tabolic changes during exercise. This variable has been widely used during exercise tests and during trainingprocesses andphysical rehabilitation in healthy and chronically diseased children. Additio-nally, it ...
Paciente de 15 años de sexo masculino que concurre a la consulta por presentar disfonÃa, voz hipofónica agudizada para el sexo, disnea a esfuerzos moderados y cansancio. La madre refiere que de chico no podÃa realizar deportes ni actividades que requieran esfuerzos por agotarse rápidamente ante la f...
Abstract: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation (OPR) has shown positive results. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of home or community-based pulmonary rehabilitation (HCPR) in indi...
Paciente masculino de 52 años con dolor
torácico de caracterÃsticas pleurÃticas y disnea
de cuatro meses de evolución. La radiografÃa
(imagen IA) y la tomografÃa computarizada
(TC) de tórax (Figura IB), mostraron engrosamiento nodular difuso de la pleura y efusión
El engrosamiento pleur...