Results: 847

Efectos secundarios de las terapias oncológicas en pacientes con cáncer de cérvix

Rev. cienc. cuidad; 18 (2), 2021
Objetivo: Determinar los efectos secundarios de las terapias oncológicas en pacientes con cáncer de cérvix en una unidad oncológica de Neiva Huila, durante el 2017. Metodología: Estudio observacional, retrospectivo, descriptivo de corte transversal, basado en la revisión de fuentes sec...

Tumores neuroendocrinos múltiples tipo insulinoma cómo primera manifestación de múltiple tipo 1
Multiple Neuroendocrine Tumors type Insulinoma how First Manifestation of Multiple type 1

Med. interna (Caracas); 37 (1), 2021

Sarcoma Cardíaco Intimal: uma Entidade Rara Dentre os Tumores Cardíacos

ABC., imagem cardiovasc; 34 (1), 2021

Self-care related to the performance of occupational roles in patients under antineoplastic chemotherapy treatment

Objective: to analyze and correlate occupational roles, symptoms and self-care capacity in oncologic patients seen at the chemotherapy service of a university hospital. Method: cross-sectional study, in which the instruments were applied sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire, M.D Anderson's Sympto...

Comparison between hematological and biochemical changes caused by conventional and metronomic chemotherapies in the treatment of canine transmissible venereal tumor

Pesqui. vet. bras; 41 (), 2021
This study aimed to report the hematological and biochemical changes caused by conventional and metronomic chemotherapies, using vincristine sulfate to treat canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT). Twelve dogs were selected, six of them for the group receiving conventional chemotherapy (G1), and six d...

Functional capacity of women with breast neoplasm undergoing palliative chemotherapy

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the functional capacity of women with breast neoplasm undergoing palliative chemotherapy. Method: Cross-sectional study with an analysis of medical records of women with breast cancer undergoing palliative chemotherapy. Results: Out of one hundred evaluated records, mos...

Peripheral T-cell lymphoma not otherwise specified with oral manifestation: a case report

J. oral res. (Impresa); 9 (6), 2020
Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma Not Otherwise Specified it is a rare type of Non-Hodgkin t-cells malignant tumor whose oral manifestations are difficult to diagnose. A case of a 48-year-old male with a hemi-maxillary lesion histological and immunohistochemically compatible with Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma not ...

Tumor pineal resuelto por Abordaje Infratentorial Supracerebeloso Endoscópico. Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura
Pineal tumor resolved by Endoscopic Supracerebellar Infratentorial Approach. Case report and literature review

Rev. argent. neurocir; 34 (4), 2020
Introducción: Los tumores de la región pineal constituyen un grupo heterogéneo de lesiones localizadas en la porción posterior del tercer ventrículo bajo el esplenio del cuerpo calloso y encima de la lámina cuadrigémina. Dentro de estos, los tumores del parénquima pineal constituyen un grupo frec...

Clinical analysis of patients with low back pain in the emergency department

Coluna/Columna; 19 (4), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective To describe the daily practice in an emergency service and to provide relevant data for future studies about the treatment of low back pain from the perspective of emergency medicine. Methods Analysis of hospital records and review of medical records. Results 2,434 patients were ...

Tratamiento con CyberKnife®: descripción de la respuesta y los efectos adversos en las metástasis cerebrales

Iatreia; 33 (4), 2020
RESUMEN Introducción: la primera causa de muerte por cáncer son las metástasis. La supervivencia media, para pacientes no tratados, es máximo de tres meses, que pueden extenderse de seis a doce con radioterapia y quimioterapia, dependiendo del tumor. La radiocirugía estereotáctica dirige la radia...