ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of simvastatin on mechanical properties of muscle and bone in hypercholesterolemic rats submitted to physical exercise. Methods: Ten male Wistar rats were submitted to a high-fat diet rich in cholesterol for 90 days. The ani...
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the neurotrophin mRNA expression and axon count in the median nerve of Wistar rats submitted to neural mobilization (NM) after nerve compression. Methods: Eighteen animals were randomly divided into G1 (nerve compression only), G2 (NM for 1 min), and G3 (NM for 3 min). F...
ABSTRACT Objective: This experience report presents the construction of the theoretical and logic model for intervention to promote physical activity and healthy eating habits of the public schools students in the city of Parintins, Amazonas, Brazil. Method: We carried out a theoretical research and al...
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o equilíbrio e o risco de quedas de mulheres ativas e sedentárias no climatério. Participaram do estudo 14 mulheres, com idades entre 45 e 80 anos. Foi utilizada a Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg e o Índice de Tinetti. Os resultados mostraram que o equilíbrio estático...
O exercício físico (EF) tem sido recomendado no controle da diabetes tipo 1 (DM1), porém, seus efeitos na hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1c), dose de insulina e perfil lipídico, ainda são controversos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as evidências do EF em adolescentes com DM1, por meio de uma re...
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a associação entre diferentes estágios de mudança do comportamento para o exercício e a percepção de indicadores de saúde em estudantes adolescentes. Participaram 662 adolescentes de 14 a 19 anos, distribuídos proporcionalmente nos ...
El VO2max es indicador de capacidad de trabajo e integridad del sistema cardiovascular. Objetivo: Correlacionar VO2max, porcentaje de grasa corporal, suma de pliegues cutáneos e IMC en estudiantes universitarios de Villavicencio, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, observacional, con a...
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine reference values for the six-minute pegboard and ring test (6PBRT) in healthy adults in Brazil, correlating the results with arm length, circumference of the upper arm/forearm of the dominant arm, and the level of physical activity. Methods: The participants (all volunt...
Brazo/anatomía & histología,
Estudios Transversales,
Ejercicio Físico/fisiología,
Prueba de Esfuerzo/métodos,
Antebrazo/anatomía & histología,
Modelos Lineales,
Estudios Prospectivos,
Valores de Referencia,
Estadísticas no Paramétricas,
Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Background: Attention is considered a central control mechanism in cognitive processing systems. Attention deficits contribute to the symptomatic profile of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Physical exercise and cognitive reserve, could delay cognitive impairment and constitute a protective factor against clini...
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: We evaluated associations between use of public places for physical activity and active leisure (PAAL) and their distances from subjects' homes and indicators of overweight and obesity, among schoolchildren from different socioeconomic levels, in the city of Florianópolis, Brazil....
Índice de Masa Corporal,
Estudios Transversales,
Ejercicio Físico/fisiología,
Actividades Recreativas,
Obesidad Infantil/epidemiología,
Obesidad Infantil/fisiopatología,
Factores Socioeconómicos,
Instalaciones Deportivas y Recreativas/provisión & distribución,
Encuestas y Cuestionarios,
Circunferencia de la Cintura/fisiología,
Caminata/estadística & datos numéricos