Results: 3961

Las residencias del equipo de salud: desafíos en el contexto actual

Esta publicación documenta puntos de vista en el terreno de los servicios de salud, las políticas y la gestión, siempre referidos a las residencias del equipo de salud. Confiamos que, en un futuro no muy lejano, tengamos mejores respuestas al derrotero que arriba se menciona y que nos oriente hacia la...

Costo directo semestral por artritis reumatoidea en pacientes que concurren a un hospital universitario
Semester direct cost by rheumatoid arthritis in patients in a university hospital

INTRODUCTION: There are no medical publications with economic analysis of rheumatoid arthritis patients (RA) from Argentina are lacking. The objective of the present study is to determine the direct cost and its breakdown in patients with RA. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifty-two patients who met the American ...

Prevalencia de infestación por Pediculus humanus capitis en escolares de despeñaderos (Provincia de Córdoba)
Prevalence of pediculus humanus capitis infestation in schoolchildren at Despeñaderos, Córdoba Province

BACKGROUND: Approximately 80 per cent of Argentine children have pediculosis, making it imperious to detect the defects in the prevention and control actions for this parasitosis. OBJECTIVES: To study the infestation level by P. h. capitis, its temporal variation, and the association between infestation ...

Brote de infección por Enterococcus faecium resistentes a glicopéptidos en un hospital de Rosario, Argentina
Infection outbreak due to resistant Enterococcus faecium to glycopeptides in a Hospital of Rosario, Argentina

Enterococci causes serious illness in immunocompromised patients and in severely ill, hospitalized patients. They are commonly isolated from the human gastrointestinal tract, and resistance to vancomycin has increased in frequency during the past few years. We report three cases of nosocomial vancomycin ...