Results: 3275

Adaptation and validation of the Measuring of Treatment Adherence for mental health

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.5), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to adapt culturally and validate the Measuring Instrument of Treatment Adherence for mental health. Method: methodological study, carried out with 300 individuals with mental disorders, in two Psychosocial Care Centers in Curitiba, state of Paraná, Brazil, from April to June 2014. ...

Questionnaire on adaptation to type 1 diabetes among children and its relationship to psychological disorders

ABSTRACT Objective: to study the psychometric properties of an adaptive disease response questionnaire for use with Spanish children with type 1 diabetes; to analyse this response in this sample and to observe the relationship between adaptive response and levels of anxiety-depression. Method: a total ...

Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale for use in Brazil

ABSTRACT Objective: to make the translation, cross-cultural adaption and content and face validation of the Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale for use in Brazil. Methods: methodological research carried out in six stages: translation, synthesis, back-translation, expert committee's assessment, pre-test...

Confiabilidad y validez de constructo del instrumento habilidad de cuidado de los cuidadores familiares de personas con enfermedad crónica

Investig. enferm; 20 (2), 2018
Objetivo: Establecer y analizar la confiabilidad y la validez de constructo del instrumento Habilidad de Cuidado de Cuidadores Familiares de Personas con Enfermedad Crónica. Método: Estudio cuantitativo de corte transversal, de tipo psicométrico, que utilizo el test retest para establecer la estabilid...

National Licensure Exam for Brazilian Nurses: why and for whom?

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze critically the reasons for regulating a National Licensure Exam for Brazilian Nurses (NLEXB-N). Method: Qualitative study with secondary source applying the critical discourse analysis to situate context and intertextuality in the establishment of a new social practice. W...

Good practices in normal childbirth: reliability analysis of an instrument by Cronbach's Alpha

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the internal consistency of the evaluation instrument of the adherence to the good practices of childbirth and birth care in the professionals, through Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient for each of the dimensions and for the total instrument. Method: this is a descriptive and...

Propiedades psicométricas del instrumento Carga de la enfermedad crónica para el paciente GCPC-UN
Metric properties of the instrument Burden of chronic psychodisease for the GCPC-UN patient

Objetivo: Determinar el grado validez y confiabilidad del instrumento “Carga de la enfermedad crónica para el paciente –GCPC-UN” Metodología: De tipo Metodológico para pruebas psicométricas validez y confiabilidad, el total de los participantes fue de 240 captados con aval institucional en tres...

Validez y confiabilidad de la versión en español de la escala para medir la contribución del cuidador al autocuidado del paciente con falla cardiaca (CC-SCHFI)
Validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the scale to measure the caregiver's contribution to the self-care of patients with heart failure (CC-SCHFI)

Objetivo: Determinar la confiabilidad y validez de la versión en español de la escala para medir la contribución del cuidador al autocuidado del paciente con falla cardiaca (CCSCHFI). Metodología: La presente investigación es un estudio metodológico, que incluyó la realización de pruebas psicomé...

Pain-induced depression in the elderly: Validation of psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the "Geriatric Emotional Assessment of Pain" - GEAP-b

Summary Objective: In order to introduce an instrument within our midst that allows a comprehensive clinical evaluation of pain-induced depression in the elderly, we proposed the translation, cross-cultural adaptation into Brazilian Portuguese, and study of the psychometric properties of the "Geriatric ...

Avaliação das taxas de adequabilidade dos laudos citopatológicos de mulheres atendidas pelo SUS no município de Anápolis-GO

Femina; 45 (4), 2017
O exame citopatológico é o método mais difundido mundialmente para o rastreamento do câncer do colo do útero e suas lesões precursoras, sua vulnerabilidade aos erros de coleta e de preparação da lâmina. A subjetividade na interpretação dos resultados pode comprometer sua sensibilidade e especi...