Results: 311

Tratamento de superfície de restaurações cerâmicas para caracterização de uma camada funcionalmente modificada

Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a influência do tratamento de superfície na sobrevida de restaurações cerâmicas. Um modelo de três camadas 10 x 10 mm foi criado em software Solidworks com as seguintes espessuras e descrições dos materiais. A: 1) dentina como substrato = 4 mm; 2) cimento = 1...

Longevity of metal-ceramic crowns cemented with self-adhesive resin cement: a prospective clinical study

Abstract Resin cements are often used for single crown cementation due to their physical properties. Self-adhesive resin cements gained widespread due to their simplified technique compared to regular resin cement. However, there is lacking clinical evidence about the long-term behavior of this material....

Influence of root dentin treatment on the push-out bond strength of fibre-reinforced posts

Abstract This study evaluates the influence of root dentin treatment with NaOCl alone and combined with EDTA, with and without ultrasound activation, on the push-out bond strength (BS) of fiber-reinforced posts in weakened roots, cemented with RelyX or Panavia. The root canals of 42 maxillary canines wer...

One-year aging effects on microtensile bond strengths of composite and repairs with different surface treatments

Abstract The present study aimed to evaluate effects of different surface treatments and aging of composite cylinders on bond strength of composite resin repair. Thirty-two composite cylinders were produced and divided into four groups according to type of surface treatment and storage time of composite ...

Correção da má oclusão de Classe II assimétrica utilizando ancoragem absoluta

Objective: To evaluate the shear bond strength of passive self-ligating brackets (Tellus EX, Eurodonto) fixed to enamel using different materials and adhesive protocols. Materials and methods: Forty-eight bovine incisors were selected and divided into 6 groups according to the material and the adhesive ...

Microtensile bond strength of CAD/CAM materials to dentin under different adhesive strategies

Abstract: The present study aimed to evaluate the microtensile bond strength (μTBS) of novel computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) restorative materials to dentin using different adhesive strategies. Thirty-two crowns were milled using CAD/CAM materials (Vita Mark II as contro...

Comparing depth-dependent curing radiant exposure and time of curing of regular and flow bulk-fill composites

Abstract The effect of restoration depth on the curing time of a conventional and two bulk-fill composite resins by measuring microhardness and the respective radiosity of the bottom surface of the specimen was investigated. 1-, 3- and 5-mm thick washers were filled with Surefil SDR Flow-U (SDR), Tetric ...

Translucency and color stability of resin composite and dental adhesives as modeling liquids - A one-year evaluation

Abstract The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of modeling liquids on the translucency and color shade of resin composites (RCs) after one year of storage. RC specimens were prepared using either a conventional insertion technique (control; without modeling liquid) or a restorative dental mo...

Evaluación del grado de conversión de cementos resinosos fotoactivados a través de un disco de disilicato de litio

Rev. cient. odontol; 4 (2), 2016
OBJETIVO: El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el grado de conversión (GC) de cuatro cementos resinosos fotoactivados a través de un disco de disilicato de litio medido en dos tiempos: inicial y a las 24 horas. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se confeccionaron cinco especímenes para cada cemento evaluado :...

A aplicação de um glaze na superfície de cimentação melhora a adesão da zircônia ao cimento resinoso?
Does the application of a glaze layer in the intaglio surface improve the adhesion between zirconia and resin cement?

PróteseNews; 3 (4), 2016
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes tratamentos de superfície na resistência adesiva entre a interface zircônia/cimento resinoso. Blocos de zircônia (12 x 11,6 x 1,2 mm) foram divididos em cinco grupos (n=10) e classificados conforme o tratamento de superfície. Nas amostr...