Results: 1938

Prevalence of Dental Caries and Dental Fluorosis among 7-12-Year-Old School Children in an Indian Subpopulation: A Cross-Sectional Study

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the prevalence of dental caries and fluorosis among 7-12-year-old school children in Muradnagar, India. An additional objective was to determine the relationship between dental caries and fluorosis in the studied population. Material and Methods: A total of 1500 school chi...

Potential Effectiveness of Poly-Vitamins and Probiotics among Preschool Children Living within Iodine Deficiency Territory to Caries Prevention

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the potential effect of poly-vitamins and probiotics use among preschool children permanently living within iodine deficiency territory on caries prevention. Material and Methods: 80 children aged 2-3 years old were randomly distributed among the study group (21 male and...

Prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders and its Correlation with Stress and Salivary Cortisol Levels among Students

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in students and to evaluate if any relationship existed between the stress levels, salivary cortisol levels, and TMD. Material and Methods: A total of 348 students, 187 female, and 161 male students, participated in thi...

Difference of Chemical Bonds Between UDMA Bonding Agents with Ethanol Solvent and Acetone Solvent on Dentin Collagen

ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the difference of chemical bonds between urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA) bonding agents with ethanol solvent and acetone solvent on dentin collagen. Material and Methods: This experimental comparison study used three groups: G1 (Control): UDMA and collagen; G2: UDMA, c...

Spontaneous Transversal Changes of Lower Arch Following Palatal Skeletal Expansion

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate how the lower arch spontaneously change after upper rapid palatal expansion in a group of patients with transversal skeletal deficit. Material and Methods: Twenty-four patients treated by the same orthodontist with a rapid palatal expander (RPE) bounded on a deciduous mo...

Human Development and Dental Caries in 12-Year-Old Brazilian Schoolchildren

ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the correlation between human development and dental caries in 12-year-old schoolchildren from the twenty-seven Brazilian states and to analyze the spatial distribution of these variables. Material and Methods: This was an ecological study using secondary data from th...

Efeito de diferentes protocolos de colagem de bráquetes cerâmicos com LED de alta potência
Effect of different ceramic bracket bonding protocols with high power LED

OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito de diferentes protocolos de fotoativação na resistência de união ao cisalhamento (RUC) de bráquetes cerâmicos colados ao esmalte dentário, nas falhas de união através do índice remanescente adesivo (IRA) e no grau de conversão (GC) de uma resina utilizando o fotoativ...

Efeito da terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana como adjuvante no tratamento não cirúrgico da periodontite estádio III ou IV grau C
Effect of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy as an adjuvant in the non-surgical treatment of stage III or IV grade C periodontitis

A Periodontite estádio III e IV grau C em pacientes jovens tem um caráter mais destrutivo dos tecidos periodontais de suporte e tem impacto em perdas dentárias, função mastigatória e pior resposta ao tratamento. E a Terapia Fotodinâmica Antimicrobiana (TFD) tem surgido como uma alternativa promiss...

Qualidade de vida sexual de mulheres no pós-tratamento radioterápico de câncer de colo uterino

Femina; 48 (12), 2020
A qualidade de vida sexual é frequentemente afetada após tratamento oncológico em ginecologia. Reportamos a qualidade de vida sexual de pacientes em seguimento no serviço de Oncologia Ginecológica da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, por meio da aplicação do questionário validado FSFI (...

Three-year follow-up of flowable bulk-fill resin restorations in posterior teeth: a double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial

Objetivo: Este ensaio clínico randomizado avaliou o comportamento de restaurações com resina composta bulk-fill flow em dentes posteriores após três anos do tratamento restaurador. Métodos: Dezessete pacientes (12 mulheres, 5 homens, idade 23-59) foram selecionados para ter pelo menos duas restaura...