Results: 312

Continuous blood purification treatment for endotoxin-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 50 (2), 2017
This study aimed to explore the effects of continuous blood purification (CBP) treatment in pigs affected with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). A total of 12 healthy male pigs, weighing 12±1.8 kg, were randomly and equally assigned to the control and experimental groups. The ARDS pig model wa...

Etanercept protects rat cardiomyocytes against hypertrophy by regulating inflammatory cytokines secretion and cell apoptosis

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 50 (6), 2017
We aimed to investigate the effect of etanercept, a tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) inhibitor, on rat cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and its underlying mechanism. Primary neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were isolated from Sprague-Dawley rats. The model of rat cardiomyocyte hypertrophy was induced by end...

Osteogenic potential of periodontal ligament stem cells are unaffected after exposure to lipopolysaccharides

Abstract Periodontitis develops as a result of a continuous interaction between host cells and subgingival pathogenic bacteria. The periodontium has a limited capacity for regeneration, probably due to changes in periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) phenotype. The aim of this study was to evaluate th...

Incidence of tuberculosis among patients with rheumatoid arthritis using TNF blockers in Brazil: data from the Brazilian Registry of Biological Therapies in Rheumatic Diseases (Registro Brasileiro de Monitoração de Terapias Biológicas - BiobadaBrasil)

Rev. bras. reumatol; 57 (supl.2), 2017
Abstract Objectives To assess the incidence of tuberculosis and to screen for latent tuberculosis infection among Brazilians with rheumatoid arthritis using biologics in clinical practice. Patients and methods This cohort study used data from the Brazilian Registry of Biological Therapies in Rheumatic ...

Effects of avocado/soybean unsaponifiables (ASU) on the treatment of ligature-induced periodontitis in rats

Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of the avocado/soybean unsaponifiables (ASU) on the treatment of induced periodontitis in rats. Periodontitis was induced in 84 rats via ligature placement around the second upper molar, which was removed after 7 days, and scaling and root plan...

Glycemic control and adipokines after periodontal therapy in patients with Type 2 diabetes and chronic periodontitis

Abstract: The mechanism by which chronic periodontitis (CP) affects type 2 diabetes (T2DM) remains unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of periodontal therapy (PT) on the glycemic control and adipokines of patients with T2DM and CP with the purpose of elucidating the possi...

Different engagement of TLR2 and TLR4 in Porphyromonas gingivalis vs. ligature-induced periodontal bone loss

Abstract This study was conducted to investigate the roles of different Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling in Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis)-induced and ligature-induced experimental periodontal bone resorption in mice. Wild-type (WT), TLR2 knockout (KO), TLR4KO, and TLR2&4 KO mice with C57...

Effect of fresh frozen plasma on the in vitro activation of U937 monocytes: a potential role for the age of blood donors and their underlying cytokine profile

Biol. Res; 50 (), 2017
BACKGROUND: Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) administration may increase the risk of nosocomial infections in parallel with the development of immune modulation. This could be driven by soluble mediators, possibly influencing the in vitro activation of human U937 monocyte cells, in a manner dependent on the age...

Informe de evaluación científica basada en la evidencia disponible: artritis psoriásica
Scientific evaluation report based on available evidence: psoriatic arthritis

INTRODUCCIÓN: Artritis psoriásica en un tipo de artritis inflamatoria que causa dolor en las articulaciones, inflamación y rigidez en personas con psoriasis (1). Psoriasis es una condición crónica, en la cual gruesas áreas de la piel se inflaman tomando un color rojizo que usualmente van acompañ...

Eficácia y seguridad de adalimumab en el tratamiento de espondilitis anquilosante en pacientes con falla a tratamiento com dos anti-TNFS

La espondilitis anquilosante (EA) es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica perteneciente a la familia de las espondiloartritis, y que se caracteriza principalmente por sacroileítis y rigidez espinal progresiva. Aunque es considerada clásicamente como una enfermedad de la columna vertebral, se produce ta...