Results: 576

Relação entre trabalho especializado e técnico: o caso da ortodontia à luz da bioética clínica amplificada

Na reorganização da saúde bucal, percebe-se, como desafio ético-político, a transição para as relações em equipe. Aplicou-se pesquisa exploratório-descritiva de abordagem qualitativa, que coletou dados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 11 ortodontistas, analisados por Análise Textua...

How clinically important is the p-value?

Rev. estomat. salud; 26 (1), 2018
Currently, it has been observed a growing number of publications in all fields of Dentistry. These publications act as scientific evidence, as well as a basis for clinical decision-making in dental care routine. It is important to note that the results and conclusions in articles are based on the p-valu...

Williams-Beuren Syndrome: What Orthodontists Need to Know

ABSTRACT: Williams-Beuren syndrome is a rare disease with manifestations such as cardiovascular changes, distinct facial features, mental retardation, and learning disabilities. Oral manifestations are not commonly described and can often be misdiagnosed. This report describes the case of a male patient ...

Need for orthodontic treatment in a sample of Ecuadorian adolescents from Cojitambo, 2017

Aim: To determine the need for orthodontic treatment in Ecuadorian adolescents aged 13 to 18 years in Cojitambo, 2017. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive study was made including 140 adolescents aged 13 to 18 years, 50% males. For determining the prevalence of malocclusion, a visua...

Diferentes Protocolos de Grabado Ácido en Dentina; Estudio Micromorfológico

RESUMEN: El objetivo fue evaluar las características de túbulos dentinarios expuestos por acción de diferentes protocolos de grabado en distintas zonas dentinarias. Se midió densidad tubular y diámetro. Se estudiaron 60 primeros premolares humanos sanos sometidos a tratamiento de endodoncia. Se real...

Evidence in Orthodontics related to qualitative research

ABSTRACT Introduction: Research in Orthodontics has historically followed the positivist model based on the direct relationship of cause and effect between diseases and their specific etiological factors. Despite the objectivity and the great potential of statistical procedures, quantitative methods ha...

Plain access to justice and the orthodontist's activity in Brazil: vulnerability in the professional practice in the face of risks of malpractice lawsuits

ABSTRACT Objective: the present study aimed at evaluating the risks and vulnerability of orthodontists to legal compensation actions and verifying the hypothesis of these health care professionals having little knowledge concerning their rights and obligations as service providers. Methods: Three group...

There is no pulp necrosis or calcific metamorphosis of pulp induced by orthodontic treatment: biological basis

ABSTRACT To biologically explain why the orthodontic treatment does not induce pulp necrosis and calcific metamorphosis of the pulp, this paper presents explanations based on pulp physiology, microscopy and pathology, and especially the cell and tissue phenomena that characterize the induced tooth moveme...