Results: 391

Modelos experimentais de obesidade: análise crítica do perfil metabólico e da aplicabilidade

HU Rev. (Online); 44 (2), 2018
ntrodução: a prevalência da obesidade e de outras doenças relacionadas está aumentando em todo o mundo de forma preocupante. Caracterizada pelo aumento do peso corporal ou do acúmulo excessivo de gordura corporal, a obesidade tem sido associada ao aumento da mortalidade decorrente de maior incidên...

Thickness of carotid intima and epicardial fat in rosacea: a cross-sectional study

An. bras. dermatol; 92 (6), 2017
Abstract: Background: Rosacea is a chronic facial skin disease associated with excessive inflammatory response to various triggers. Although some studies have supported the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases in rosacea, it has not been completely accepted. Objective: We aimed to investigate epic...

Role of vitamin D in the development of obesity

Int. j. morphol; 35 (4), 2017
SUMMARY: Antecedents in the literature suggest that vitamin D (VD) play a role in overweigh/obesity. The present study evaluated the effect of VD deficiency diet intake and fat hight on overweight/obesity about white adipose tissue (WAT) and body mass (BM) gain. Animals were divided into four experimenta...

Qualitative analysis of the viability of autogenous fat grafts grafted in different environments of interstitial pressure. Preliminary results and description of a new experimental model in mini-pigs

Acta cir. bras; 32 (11), 2017
Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility of an experimental model of autologous fat graft (AFG) in different interstitial pressure (IP) environments. Methods: Three mini-pigs(Minipig-BR) with age of 8 months (weight: 25-30 kg) were used. AFG were collected from the bucal fat pad, and grafted in th...

Células tronco mesenquimais derivadas de tecido adiposo no tratamento de cirrose hepática

Introdução: hepatopatias crônicas figuram entre as principais causas de morte no mundo e o transplante hepático permanece como a única alternativa terapêutica curativa disponível. A terapia celular utilizando células tronco tem sido demonstrada como uma alternativa potencial, porém os mecanismos...

Desarrollo de ecuaciones y propuesta de valores referenciales para estimar la masa grasa de niños y adolescentes chilenos

Arch. argent. pediatr; 115 (5), 2017
Introducción. La evaluación de la composición corporal es relevante para determinar el estado nutricional e identificar posibles riesgos para la salud. Objetivo. a) Desarrollar ecuaciones de regresión para predecir la masa grasa (MG) utilizando como método de referencia la absorciometría de rayos X...

Redistribuição de gordura corporal e alterações no metabolismo de lipídeos e glicose em pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS

Rev. bras. epidemiol; 20 (3), 2017
RESUMO: Introdução: A síndrome da lipodistrofia do HIV é caracterizada por alterações no metabolismo e na composição corporal, que aumentam o risco cardiovascular de pessoas vivendo com HIV/AIDS (PVHA) em uso da terapia antirretroviral de alta potência (TARV). Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalênci...

Cell therapy in the treatment of bipolar mania in an animal model: a proof of concept study

Abstract Introduction The rationale of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as a novel therapeutic approach in certain neurodegenerative diseases is based on their ability to promote neurogenesis. Hippocampal atrophy has been related to bipolar disorder (BD) in preclinical, imaging and postmortem studies. The...

Adenovirus 36 y su potencial contribución en el desarrollo de obesidad

Rev. méd. Chile; 145 (8), 2017
The evidence of the last 20 years shows a link between viral infections and obesity in animals and humans. There are five adenovirus which have been associated with development of obesity in animals. SMAM-1 virus was the first studied in humans associated with obesity. There is compelling evidence that A...

Are traditional body fat equations and anthropometry valid to estimate body fat in children and adolescents living with HIV?

Braz. j. infect. dis; 21 (4), 2017
Abstract The aim of this study was to assess the validity of traditional anthropometric equations and to develop predictive equations of total body and trunk fat for children and adolescents living with HIV based on anthropometric measurements. Forty-eight children and adolescents of both sexes (24 boys)...