Results: 4387

Indications, clinical outcomes and complications of 1, 949 flexible bronchoscopies

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 16 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective To describe indications, clinical outcomes and complications of flexible bronchoscopy. Methods A descriptive observational study of bronchoscopies performed at the endoscopy service of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein . Demographic (age, gender and origin) and medical (indication...

Pseudopalavras para terapia fonológica validadas por juizes especialistas

CoDAS; 30 (5), 2018
RESUMO Objetivo Criar uma lista de pseudopalavras baseada em ambientes favorecedores e submeter esta ao julgamento de juízes especialistas, a fim de se obter uma lista validada de pseudopalavras que possam ser utilizadas em terapia. Método Buscou-se um estudo que analisou os ambientes favorecedores...

Cardiorespiratory and metabolic determinants during moderate and high resistance exercise intensities until exhaustion using dynamic leg press: comparison with critical load

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 51 (11), 2018
The objective of this study was to assess cardiovascular, respiratory, and metabolic responses during a commonly used dynamic leg press resistance exercise until exhaustion (TEx) at different intensities and compare with critical load (CL). This was a prospective, cross-sectional, controlled, and crossov...

Acutely infected teeth: to extract or not to extract?

Abstract: Not only laymen but also dentists generally believe that extraction of acutely infected teeth should be avoided until the infection subdues by using systemic antibiotics. The aim of this study was to compare perioperative complications in routine extractions of acutely infected teeth with extra...

Clinical and laboratory characteristics associated with referral of hospitalized elderly to palliative care

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 16 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective To investigate clinical and laboratory characteristics associated with referral of acutely ill older adults to exclusive palliative care. Methods A retrospective cohort study based on 572 admissions of acutely ill patients aged 60 years or over to a university hospital located in Sã...

Percutaneous laser ablation of benign thyroid nodules: a one year follow-up study

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 16 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate safety and effectiveness of nodule volume reduction and thyroid function after percutaneous laser ablation treatment in patients with benign nonfunctioning thyroid nodules. Methods Prospective single-center study, from January 2011 to October 2012, which evaluated 30 eu...

Endovascular Neurosurgery in the Northern Macro-Region of Rio Grande do Sul: Part I

Arq. bras. neurocir; 37 (3), 2018
Introduction The city of Passo Fundo, in the north of the Rio Grande do Sul state, has been standing out in the health care field for many years. The state has become a reference in endovascular interventional neuroradiology. We will cover 10 years of experience in this area and divide our observations i...

Dolor lumbopélvico asociado a discapacidad durante el tercer trimestre de embarazo y su evolución posterior al parto
Lumbopelvic pain associated with disability during the third trimester of pregnancy and its evolution after delivery

RESUMEN El dolor lumbopélvico es una condición muy frecuente, afectando un 50 a 70% de las mujeres durante el embarazo. En la mayoría de los casos ha habido una recuperación al mes o 3 meses postparto. Sin embargo, estudios reportan que la mejoría es incompleta, pudiendo persistir o aumentar años p...

Rastreadores para a busca ativa de eventos adversos a medicamentos em recém-nascidos

O objetivo foi verificar a aplicação e o desempenho dos rastreadores para a busca ativa de eventos adversos a medicamentos em recém-nascidos hospitalizados. Trata-se de um estudo de coorte prospectivo. A pesquisa foi realizada em um hospital universitário, nas unidades de cuidado neonatal, durante o ...

Upper Body Lift: serie de casos en un hospital clínico universitario entre los años 2013-2016: descripción de la técnica quirúrgica

Rev. chil. cir; 70 (5), 2018
Introducción: En pacientes obesos la pérdida masiva de peso presenta efectos beneficiosos para la salud, sin embargo, suelen cursar con un excedente cutáneo que genera problemas físicos, afectando la calidad de vida. En casos severos las técnicas convencionales de contorno corporal, no permiten dar ...