Results: 3279

Formación vocacional en Microbiología y Genética Médica en estudiantes de secundaria básica
Vocational training in Microbiology and Medical genetics in secundary school students

Rev. medica electron; 40 (2), 2018

The use of Facebook in health education: perceptions of adolescent students

ABSTRACT Objective: understand the perceptions of adolescent students regarding the use of Facebook social media in sexual and reproductive health learning in the Family Health Strategy. Method: a qualitative, descriptive study developed with 96 adolescents from a public school and a private school in ...

Social representations of undergraduates about the education through work for health program

ABSTRACT Objective: analyze the social representation of undergraduates from the health area in which were scholars of PET-Saúde of the UFRJ-Macaé Professor Aloísio Teixeira Campus about this program and its contribution to the respective professional training. Method: This is an exploratory, descri...

Elementary school students' experiences of writing difficulties

The aim of this research was to assess and to analyze the main writing difficulties presented by second to fifth graders of the elementary school, using Rasch model. Some 413 students from public schools participated, from which 227 (55%) were female. Participants were assessed with Writing Assessment Te...

Foot health and quality of life among university students: cross-sectional study

Säo Paulo med. j; 136 (2), 2018
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Foot problems are believed to reduce quality of life and are increasingly present. Even among young adults of university age, untreated foot problems can lead to postural and mobility problems. Accordingly, our aim here was to determine the relationship between foot health and qual...

Hábitos auditivos recreacionales y umbral tonal en la frecuencia audiométrica 6. 000 Hz en jóvenes universitarios

RESUMEN Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) (2013) define entre las causas de pérdida auditiva, la exposición a ruido. Una fuente de este ruido son los reproductores personales de música, cuyo uso representa una conducta de riesgo emergente. Es así como, existen estudios que re...

Vivências no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) como marcadoras de acontecimento no campo da Saúde Coletiva

Num cenário político favorável a inovações e expectativas de mudanças nas políticas públicas de saúde, surge a iniciativa das Vivências e Estágios na Realidade do Sistema Único de Saúde (VER-SUS), experienciada por estudantes de graduação em diferentes regiões do Brasil. Neste estudo, com...

Es necesario estimular la producción científica estudiantil cubana
It is necessary to encourage Cuban student scientific production

En Cuba existe un activo movimiento científico estudiantil y cada año cientos de investigaciones transitan desde las jornadas científicas de base hasta el fórum estudiantil nacional. En adición, se desarrollan otros eventos científicos estudiantiles de carácter nacional y regional que constituyen ...

Sports Practices and Cardiovascular Risk in Teenagers

Arq. bras. cardiol; 110 (3), 2018
Abstract Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of deaths in the world, and many events could be prevented by healthy life habits. Objectives: To compare the occurrence of cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents enrolled at public schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro, including a...