Results: 351

Lesiones bucales en adultos mayores y factores de riesgo. Policlínico "Dr. Tomás Romay", La Habana, Cuba
Buccal lesions in older adults, and risk factors. Dr. Tomás Romay Polyclinic, Havana, Cuba

Introducción: Las lesiones en la mucosa bucal son frecuentes en la población de adultos mayores, lo cual repercute en la aparición del cáncer bucal. Objetivo: Caracterizar las lesiones en las mucosas bucales y su relación con los factores de riesgo presentes en una población geriátrica, del Polic...

Difficulties in nutritional counseling and child growth follow-up: from a professional perspective

ABSTRACT Introduction: Nutritional counseling and growth follow-up are priorities when providing care to children; however, these have not been completely incorporated into primary health care. Objective: To know the difficulties for providing nutritional counseling and child growth follow-up, from a p...

Prevention of chronic complications of diabetes mellitus according to complexity

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the prevention by primary health care providers of chronic complications of diabetes mellitus according to the complex thinking theoretical approach. Method: Evaluative research based on the complex thinking theoretical approach. The following techniques for data collectio...

Weaving the West Psychosocial Care Network of the municipality of São Paulo

ABSTRACT Objective: to understand how health service professionals involved in the care of users in psychic distress perceive the organization of the Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS - Rede de Atenção Psicossocial) in the western region of the city of São Paulo. Method: qualitative approach study con...

Innovation in nursing health care practice: expansion of access in primary health care

ABSTRACT Objective: analyze the reorganization of the health care practice of nurses as an innovative strategy for expansion of access in primary care. Method: qualitative and quantitative study, which interviewed 32 management and care nurses and collected documentary data from public reports of produ...

Mental health in the Family Health Strategy as perceived by health professionals

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the management of mental health needs in primary care as perceived by Family Health Strategy professionals. Method: this was a qualitative descriptive exploratory study developed within the coverage area of five family health teams. The data were collected using observati...

Health education with older adults: action research with primary care professionals

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the development and implementation of permanent education action. Method: Quantitative-qualitative research based on action research in three phases (diagnosis of reality, implementation of activity and evaluation), performed with health professionals and managers of basic...

Distintos padrões de apoio social percebido e sua associação com doenças físicas (hipertensão, diabetes) ou mentais no contexto da atenção primária

Resumo Este trabalho discute a relação entre hipertensão, diabetes, ansiedade, depressão e apoio social no contexto da atenção primária. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi detectar, na amostra pesquisada, a associação entre: adoecimento físico, adoecimento psíquico, rede de apoio e apoio social per...

La lucha antivectorial y el trabajo integral comunitario de los estudiantes de las ciencias médicas en Cuba
The antivectorial struggle and the community integral work of the medical sciences students in Cuba

Rev. medica electron; 39 (3), 2017