Results: 328

Variación espacio-temporal de la ictiofauna del Parque marino Xel-Há, Caribe mexicano y su relación con parámetros fisicoquímicos

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (4), 2016
Resumen:Xel-Há es un parque ecoturístico marino donde no se permite ningún tipo de extracción de flora o fauna. Una de las principales atracciones turísticas en este parque son los peces de arrecife, no existiendo trabajos publicados sobre la comunidad íctica para este sitio. En este estudio se ana...

Population structure and reproduction of a migratory fish Leporinus piau (Characiformes: Anostomidae) in a semiarid tropical reservoir, Brazil

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (4), 2016
Abstract:Migratory fishes have been seriously impacted by the building of reservoirs and because of the negative effects of these projects such as the interruption of migratory routes, reduction or elimination of spawning/ feeding areas, and initial development can influence the population structure the ...

Effect of a major highway on the spatial and temporal variation in the structure and diversity of the avifauna of a tropical premontane rain forest

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (4), 2016
Abstract:Roads immersed in conservation areas will increase in number, size, and traffic over the next decade, and thus, understanding their effects on forest-dependent wildlife is crucial for improving current management practices and reducing the negative impacts of roads on sensitive species. We exami...

The geographic distribution of Costa Rican velvet worms (Onychophora: Peripatidae)

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (4), 2016
Abstract:Velvet worms, "peripatus" or onychophorans, are "living fossils" that were geographically widespread in Cambrian seas but now occur exclusively on terrestrial habitats. The only extant species studied in some detail are those from Costa Rica, but their real geographic distribution was in urgent ...

Ecología poblacional de Heteromys pictus (Rodentia: Heteromyidae), en un bosque tropical caducifolio con perturbación humana, en la costa de Oaxaca, México

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (4), 2016
Resumen:Los ratones espinosos de abazones Liomys y Heteromys son roedores granívoros que se distribuyen en bosques tropicales secos y en matorral espinoso a lo largo de tierras bajas del Pacífico y en regiones xerófilas en la meseta de México. Analizamos la dinámica poblacional del ratón espinoso d...

Distribución altitudinal de la riqueza y composición de "ensamblajes" de aves en una zona montañosa al sur de Nayarit, México

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (4), 2016
Resumen:Los estudios sobre gradientes altitudinales han permitido examinar cambios en la riqueza y composición de los ensamblajes de aves, lo que hace posible obtener información sobre las variables ambientales que determinan su distribución y factores que definen la estructura. En este trabajo se des...

Large mammal community composition and density under a disturbance gradient in Northeast Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (4), 2016
Abstract:Large mammal communities, integral components of Neotropical ecosystems, are increasingly threatened by habitat fragmentation and degradation due to anthropogenic pressures and climate change. Lowland Neotropical palm forests harbor diverse mammal communities, including threatened and endangered...

Efectos del disturbio humano sobre la dinámica poblacional de Ocypode quadrata (Decapoda: Ocypodidae) en playas del Caribe mexicano

Rev. biol. trop; 64 (4), 2016
Resumen:El cangrejo fantasma Ocypode quadrata, tiene una alta relevancia ecológica en las playas del Atlántico occidental y se ha propuesto como un indicador del impacto humano sobre este ecosistema. Sin embargo, no se han evaluado los efectos del disturbio humano sobre su dinámica poblacional. En est...

Effects of a small natural barrier on the spatial distribution of the fish assemblage in the Verde River, Upper Paraná River Basin,Brazil

Braz. j. biol; 76 (4), 2016
Abstract Geographical barriers influence species distribution and play an important role in the segregation of fish assemblages. The present study aims to test the influence of a small natural barrier on the spatial distribution of fish species in the Verde River, Upper Paraná River Basin, Brazil, consi...

Method of capture and population structure of Aegla georginae Santos and Jara, 2013 (Decapoda: Anomura: Aeglidae) in a tributary of the Ibicuí River in southern Brazil

Braz. j. biol; 76 (4), 2016
Abstract In the current study, we investigated population aspects of Aegla georginae in the Ibicuí River Basin by considering different capture methods and the implication of these data in the analysis of population dynamics. We sampled 1774 individuals: 1259 males (21 and 97 juveniles and 1029 and 113 ...