Results: 729

Adiposidad corporal, estilos de vida y nivel de actividad física en mujeres dueñas de casa y trabajadoras remuneradas chilenas

Rev. chil. nutr; 46 (6), 2019
RESUMEN En Chile existe escasa evidencia en relación a las características de los estilos de vida en mujeres dueñas de casa versus mujeres con trabajos renumerados. El objetivo del estudio fue comparar marcadores de adiposidad, hábitos de consumo asociados a estilos de vida y nivel de actividad físi...

Profile and reference values for body fat and skeletal muscle mass percent at females, aged from 18.0 to 69. 9, measured by multichannel segmental bioimpedance method: Serbian population study

Int. j. morphol; 37 (4), 2019
Profile and standards for the diagnostics of percent of body fat and muscles were defined on a sample of 1924 women from the Republic of Serbia, aged 18.0 to 69.9, where the body structure of subjects was measured by applying multichannel segmental bioimpedance. Total sample was divided into six age grou...

Suspected adverse drug reactions reported for Brazilian children: cross-sectional study

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 95 (6), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess spontaneous reports of suspected adverse drug reactions in children aged 0-12 years from the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency between 2008 and 2013. Methods: A cross-sectional study on suspected adverse drug reactions reports related to medicines and health products in c...

La relación de la edad con los componentes espectrales de las realizaciones sin ruido de señales fotopletismográficas: resultados de un enfoque de identificación no lineal
Relationship of Age with Spectral Components of Noise-Free Realizations of Photoplethysmographic Signals: Outcomes of a Nonlinear Identification Approach

Rev. cuba. inform. méd; 11 (2), 2019
Background: Age-related changes in the vascular network have been widely documented, however, nonlinear identification has been poorly applied to the analysis of cardiovascular signals. Objective: To determine the impact of age on spectral components of Noise-free realizations (NFR) obtained from phot...

Mortality in motorcycle accidents in Alagoas (2001-2015): temporal and spatial modeling before and after the "lei seca"

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE To analyze the epidemiological profile and the Spatio-temporal distribution of mortality in motorcycle accidents in Alagoas before (2001-2007) and after the "Lei seca" (2008-2015). METHODS This is a mixed ecologic study. All deaths in the state with the codes V20-V29 (ICD-10) as the...

Association between stress and lower urinary tract symptoms in children and adolescents

Int. braz. j. urol; 45 (6), 2019
ABSTRACT Introduction: Lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) is a common clinical condition. Emotional and behavioral issues are increasing among children and adolescents, with stress indicating difficulties in personal and social functioning. This study evaluated whether urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) ...

Medición de reserva cognitiva: estudio en una muestra de adultos chilenos

Mayor reserva se asocia con resistencia al deterioro en sujetos con enfermedades neurodegenerativas. En personas sanas explica las diferencias interindividuales en el rendimiento de tareas. Medir los factores de reserva cognitiva permite contar con un índice numérico de la gananci...

Riesgo aumentado de cáncer de mama, ovárico y contralateral para portadoras de mutación BRCA1 y BRCA2
Increased risk of breast, ovarian and contralateral cancer for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers

Causative drugs for drug-induced cutaneous reactions in central China: a 608-case analysis

An. bras. dermatol; 94 (6), 2019
Abstract Background: Reports regarding the causative drugs of drug-induced cutaneous adverse reactions in China are indistinct, such that different regions have reported the spectrum of drugs differs substantially in different clinical conditions. Objective: To explore the causative drugs that led to c...

Impacto del virus Epstein Barr en el cáncer gástrico en el Perú

El virus de Epstein Barr (VEB) es responsable del 10% del cáncer gástrico (CG) y se correlaciona con mejor tasa de sobrevida. En Perú, no existen estudios sobre prevalencia y características clínicas de CG VEB positivo. Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y las características clínico patológica...