Results: 5129

¿Qué indicadores se utilizan para medir calidad de vida, lactancia materna y bienestar en actividades de promoción de la salud?: síntesis rápida de evidencia
What indicators are used to measure quality of life, breastfeeding and well-being in health promotion activities?: rapid evidence synthesis

ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO La promoción de la salud es el proceso de empoderar a la población para mejorar su propia salud, llevando el foco desde el comportamiento individual al ámbito comunitario. Es de particular importancia contar con indicadores relevantes para la monitorización de los programas qu...

Freely available or over-the-counter occlusal splints obtainable in commercial outlets: a reality dentists should know

J. oral res. (Impresa); 7 (7), 2018
Aim and objective: bruxism is defined by The american sleep disorders association as “tooth grinding during sleep plus tooth wear, sounds or jaw muscle discomfort in absence of medical disorder. people are obtaining over the counter splints (OTC) as a possible alternative to manage bruxism without the ...

Irrigation trends among members of the Chilean Endodontic Society

J. oral res. (Impresa); 7 (7), 2018
Introduction: the aim of this study is to determine the current trends of irrigation during root canal therapy by specialists who are members of the Chilean Endodontic Society. materials and method: a survey (survey monkey was e-mailed to the 485 members of the Chilean Endodontic Socie...

Efectividad de un programa de rehabilitación autoadministrado en el tratamiento del síndrome de hombro doloroso en atención primaria de salud: un estudio clínico aleatorizado, simple ciego

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (9), 2018
Background: Shoulder pain syndrome (SPS) is frequent and management in primary care is precarious, with a high rate of referral without adequate treatment, overloading rehabilitation and orthopedic services. Aim: To assess the effectiveness of a self-administered rehabilitation program in adults with sh...

Long-term impact of competitive biddings and an antimicrobial stewardship program in a general hospital in Chile

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (9), 2018
ABSTRACT Background: The long-term effect of an antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP) and its integrated impact with competitive biddings have been seldom reported. Aim: To evaluate the long-term effect of an ASP on antimicrobial consumption, expenditure, antimicrobial resistance and hospital mortali...

Alta prevalencia de trastornos nutricionales por exceso, resistencia insulínica y síndrome metabólico en escolares de la comuna de Carahue, Región de la Araucanía

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (9), 2018
Background: Childhood and adolescent obesity is a major public health problem in Chile. Aim: To characterize cardiometabolic risk factors in a population of schoolchildren from Carahue, Chile. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional assessment of 208 children aged 10.4 ± 1.0 years (106 women). A clinica...

Principales aeroalérgenos en rinoconjuntivitis alérgica en la ciudad de Temuco, Chile

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (9), 2018
Background: Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (ARC) has a prevalence of 30% in industrialized countries. For an accurate diagnosis and treatment, it is crucial to identify the causative aeroallergen. Aim: To evaluate aeroallergen sensitization in adults with ARC in the city of Temuco, Chile. Patients and Me...

Depresión posparto: tamizaje, uso de servicios y barreras para su tratamiento en centros de atención primaria

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (9), 2018
Background: Postpartum depression (PPD) is a public health issue, and appropriate screening may lead to clinical gains. Aim: To describe the screening for PPD, its relationship with the use of health care services, and treatment access barriers in Chilean public primary health care (PHC) centers. Mater...

Validez y confiabilidad del cuestionario Eating Assessment Tool 10 (EAT-10) para detectar disfagia en adultos mayores chilenos

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (9), 2018
Background: In Chile, comprehensive geriatric assessment does not include the identification of dysphagia, despite being considered a geriatric syndrome. The Eating Assessment Tool 10 (EAT-10) questionnaire is a 10-question instrument that specifically describes the perception of dysphagia and has a Span...

La culpa médica en la responsabilidad de los hospitales públicos

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (9), 2018
Under Chilean public law, liability of a public hospital appears when the institution fails to accomplish its mandatory duties or incurs in negligence. As in private law liability, this system requires to determine the duties of hospitals and, in case of a medical accident, professional standards or duti...