Results: 5176

Osteotomía de la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes: resultados funcionales y complicaciones
Anterior tibial tubercle osteotomy in adolescents and young adults: functional results and complications

Introducción: La osteotomía de la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia (O-TAT) es una técnica quirúrgica que permite restablecer la alineación distal de la rótula en pacientes esqueléticamente maduros. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron evaluar los resultados funcionales y analizar factores que infl...

Fractura de clavícula: Técnica mínimamente invasiva
Minimally invasive approach for clavicular fractures

Objetivo: Describir la técnica quirúrgica mínimamente invasiva con placa regional bloqueada para fracturas mediodiafisarias de clavícula y mostrar nuestros resultados clínicos y radiográficos. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluó, en forma retrospectiva, a 15 pacientes (12 hombres y 3 mujeres, media d...

Bloqueo óseo metafisario de radio y fijación estable en seudoartrosis de polo proximal de escafoides sin necrosis
Radial metaphyseal core decompression and stable fixation of proximal pole scaphoid nonunion without osteonecrosis

Objetivo: Reportar la tasa de consolidación y los resultados de una serie de 22 pacientes con seudoartrosis del polo proximal del escafoides tratados con un bloqueo óseo metafisario asociado a un tornillo autocompresivo anterógrado. Materiales y Métodos: Serie prospectiva de pacientes con seudoartros...

Bloqueo de la rama lingual del nervio glosofaríngeo en pacientes pediátricos sometidos a adenotonsilectomía: estudio prospectivo y de corte transversal

Rev chil anest; 48 (1), 2019
OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of lingual branch of glossopharyngeal nerve block in postoperative management of pain in pediatric patients undergoing adenotonsillectomy. METHODS: Prospective and cross-sectional clinical trial. The sample was 105 patients between 3 and 8 years old scheduled for aden...

Efectividad analgésica postoperatoria de la adición de morfina más dexametasona al anestésico local en bloqueo ecodirigido de plexo braquial

Rev chil anest; 48 (1), 2019
OBJECTIVE: To describe and evaluate the postoperative analgesic effectiveness of the combination of morphine, dexamethasone and local anesthetic in ultrasound-guided brachial plexus block. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective, observational and analytical cohort study was conducted. The cohort was compos...

Effect of short-term ischemia on microcirculation and wound healing of adipocutaneous flaps in the rat

Acta cir. bras; 34 (12), 2019
Abstract Purpose Composite flaps used in reconstructive surgery may intra- and postoperatively suffer from hypoperfusion and/or ischemia-reperfusion influencing wound healing. We aimed to follow-up the effect of ischemia on adipocutaneous flaps' wound healing and microcirculation. Methods In anesthet...

Comparative study on the efficacy of non-steroidal, steroid and non-use of anti-inflammatory in the treatment of acute epidemic conjunctivitis

Acta cir. bras; 34 (12), 2019
Abstract Purpose To evaluate the effects of prednisolone against sodium diclofenac both with ciprofloxacin compared to artificial tears on the symptoms and signs of acute viral conjunctivitis. Methods Study included 37 patients diagnosed with acute conjunctivitis and distributed by three groups: A (1...

Protective efficacy of combined use of parecoxib and dexmedetomidine on postoperative hyperalgesia and early cognitive dysfunction after laparoscopic cholecystectomy for elderly patients

Acta cir. bras; 34 (9), 2019
Abstract Purpose: To investigate efficacy of combined use of parecoxib and dexmedetomidine on postoperative pain and early cognitive dysfunction after laparoscopic cholecystectomy for elderly patients. Methods: The present prospective randomized controlled study included a total of 80 patients who unde...

Non-invasive therapies for management of temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review

Clin. biomed. res; 39 (3), 2019
Introduction: As a multifactorial disease, temporomandibular disorders (TMD) require a complex therapeutic approach, being noninvasive therapies the first option for most patients. The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review to analyze the most common non-invasive therapies used for TMD mana...

Effectiveness of acupuncture, ozonio therapy and low-intensity laser in the treatment of temporomandibular dysfunction of muscle origin: a randomized controlled trial

Abstract Introduction One of the most common causes of orofacial pain is temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Objective The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of acupuncture, ozone therapy and laser therapy in the treatment of muscle TMD patients through a randomized controlled trial. Mat...