Results: 301

Plano amostral para cálculo de densidade larvária de Aedes aegypti e Aedes albopictus no Estado de Säo Paulo, Brasil
Sampling study for larval density computation of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Rev. saúde pública; 25 (4), 1991
O programa de Controle de Vetores de Febre Amarela e Dengue, desenvolvido pela Superintendência de Controle de Endemias do Estado de Säo Paulo, Brasil, prevê a realizaçäo de pesquisa para avaliaçäo da densidade larvária de Aedes aegypti e Aedes albopictus em edificaçöes de municípios com infes...

Yellow fever in Trinidad and Tobago 1978-1980: epidemiological aspects

Between 1978-1979 an epidemic of yellow fever occurred in Trinidad in two phases. Eight cases occurred in December 1978-March 1979 and 10 cases occured in August-September 1979. Seven died, giving a case fatality rate of 39 per cent . All cases were male aged 16-58 years (median 22.5). Seventeen had been...

Laboratory diagnosis of yellow fever infections in humans, alouatta monkeys and haemagogus mosquitoes in Trinidad, 1978-1980

The yellow fever epidemic in Trinidad began with an epizootic in alouatta monkeys in November, 1978. Activity was detected by virus isolation from Alouatta monkeys and from Haemagogus mosquitoes between this date and July 1980. First reports of monkey deaths centered around the Guayaguayare forests of So...

A clinico-pathological study of yellow fever with demonstration of the virus in the human liver

The clinical histopathological and serological findings in three patients who developed yellow fever after entering the Guayaguayare forest in south-east Trinidad in January and February 1979 are described in this report. The patients were all previously healthy young males and the clinical features of t...