ABSTRACT CONTEXT: Aneurysms of the gastroepiploic arteries are seen only rarely. They are usually diagnosed during autopsy or laparotomy in patients with hemodynamic instability. Although the operation to treat this condition is relatively easy, delay in making the diagnosis affects the course of the di...
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a rare, hereditary disease whose main characteristic is the presence of a large number of polyps in the colon and rectum, which, in the absence of timely treatment, 100% progresses to colorectal cancer. The early diagnosis of this condition is the pillar of the pre...
Los meningiomas son los tumores intracraneales benignos más frecuentes en adultos, suponen el 20% de todos los tumores cerebrales. Solamente el 1-4% presentan cambios quísticos. La relación entre el componente quístico y sólido de los meningiomas mixtos fue utilizada por varios autores para crear ha...
Fundamentos: Cerca de 20 a 40% dos pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca não respondem à terapia de ressincronização. Para melhorar a seleção de pacientes, foi desenvolvida a análise de fase pela cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica (GSPECT). Objetivo: Avaliar a resposta clínica e cintilogr...
La hipertensión endocraneana idiopàtica se asocia infrecuentemente con la hipovitaminosis A y D. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 8 años con visión borrosa de 24 horas y papiledema bilateral. Resonancia magnética nuclear normal. Presión de apertura de líquido cefalorraquídeo: 260 m...
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To assess the diagnostic performance of CT findings in differentiating causes of pneumatosis intestinalis (PI), including benign and life-threatening causes. METHODS: All CT reports containing the word "pneumatosis" were queried from June 1st, 2006 to May 31st, 2015. A total of 42 pa...
ABSTRACT The objective of this systematic review was to select articles including chest X-ray or chest CT findings in patients who developed pulmonary tuberculosis following solid organ transplantation (lung, kidney, or liver). The following search terms were used: "tuberculosis"; "transplants"; "transpl...
La Tuberculosis (TBC) es una patología infecto-contagiosa de alta morbimortalidad en Chile y en el mundo, siendo la segunda causa de muerte por cuestión infecciosa y es considerada una patología de alta relevancia a nivel de salud pública. Es causada por una bacteria de alta virulencia y contagio lla...