Results: 258

Parasitism and predation of the planthopper Tagosodes orizicolus (Homoptera: Delphacidae) by a dryinid parasitoid in Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 57 (supl.1), 2009
We analyzed the effect of predation and parasitism by the native dryinid Haplogonatopus hernandezae as a natural enemy of the rice pest Tagosodes orizicolus under controlled conditions in an insectary in Costa Rica. We found no change in the proportion of T. orizicolus nymphs that were fed upon, parasiti...

Probabilidad de infección reciente por VIH en pacientes con presencia de antígeno p24 y prueba confirmatoria negativa

Introducción: La inclusión en las pruebas de detección del VIH de la capacidad de determinar el antígeno p24 ha potenciado su capacidad diagnóstica para infecciones recientes. Objetivos: Evaluar el antígeno p24 como predictor de infección reciente por VIH en pacientes con prueba confirmatoria nega...

Apresentação atípica de infecção pelo vírus varicella-zoster em criança
Atipical apresentation by varicella-zoster virus in childhood

HU rev; 31 (3), 2005
O vírus Varicela zoster é o agente etiológico de duas enfermidades distintas: a varicela e o herpes zoster. O Herpes zoster é raro na faixa etária pediátrica, com incidência predominante na sexta década de vida, após longo tempo de primo-infecção pela varicela. Relata-se um caso de varicela e ...

Evolution and prophylaxis of human rabies

Rabies is a viral acute encephalitis of progressive and fatal outcome, particular of hot-blooded animals, and accidentally affecting men. Since it is a zoonosis with different animal species acting as a reservoir in the nature, this disease is a great public health problem in several countries in develop...

Los vegetales que se consumen crudos deben ser estrictamente controlados

Foodborne illness is still today a health problem worldwide, not only in developing countries but also in developed ones. Diverse environmental, human, commercial and cultural factors have changed the scenes in which these diseases, and the foods involved, appear. These changes have become a new challeng...

Virus de la coriomeningitis linfocitaria: nuevo teratógeno fetal

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is a human zoonosis caused by a rodent-borne arenavirus. It has been associated with both postnatal, as well as in-utero, infection in man. Human infection is acquired after inhalation, ingestion or direct contact with the virus found in the urine, feces and sali...

Los virus herpes humanos 4 (virus de Epstein-Barr) y 6 (HHV-6) en las enfermedades de Hodgkin y de Kikuchi, y su relación con proliferación y apoptosis
Human herpes viruses 4 (viruses Epstein-Barr) and 6 (HHV-6) in the Hodgkin's and Kikuchi's diseases, and its relationship with proliferation and apoptosis

Background: Epstein-Barr virus/EBV and HHV-6 are frequently found in Hodgkin's disease (HD) and –to a certain extent– in Kikuchi-Fujimoto's disease (KFD). Both viruses are apparently related to proliferative and/or apoptotic processes as represented by HD or KFD respectively. Objective: To correlate ...

Aspectos morfológicos que sugerem a presença do papilomavírus humano (HPV) em lesões do epitélio de revestimento da mucosa oral
Suggestive morphological aspects of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in epithelium oral mucosa lesions

Rev. bras. patol. oral; 2 (2), 2003
O HPV é um vírus epiteliotrópico, cujo material genético é o DNA, e possivelmente associado a lesões benignas e malignas do epitélio de revestimento da mucosa oral. Os aspectos histomorfológicos encontrados na literatura relacionados a esse vírus são: coilocitose, disceratose, papilomatose, hip...